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Can anyone help identify this triffid please? I've had this plant from about 3-4cms in height and am amazed at how quickly it's grown in 7 months but have never bothered identifying it, just appreciated it's beauty :wink:

BUT now it's starting to grow out of the tank and has shot out a flower stalk so would like to identify it so I can see what the flowers will look like :o




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Thanks Alan & Navarre :D Yes Alan, you're right, if I'd chopped the bottom and mid leaves off all I'd see would be stalks and I only took lids off tank because it got so high and wanted to see if it flowered....do you know if it flowers? And if I cut the emerged stalks off will tis stunt growth so I can put lids back on when weather is cooler? :roll:

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:hail: THANKS AGAIN TO ALL WHO HELPED IDENTIFY THE TRIFFID :bow: Will see what the flowers are like when they bloom and post a picture before I decide what to do with this Marbled Queen Sword plant...probably just cut the new stems as they grow as I really like it as a central plant in my tank and helps with land claims with fish when they arrive lol :wink:

Happy New Year :D

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When it produces a flower stem it will produce plants on there as well. Don't cut it, just remove the small plants when they have 1/2 dozen leaves and enough roots to be self supporting. As the plantlets mature they loosen on the stem and can be removed by gently bending them back towards the main plant.

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Wow! Thanks for that info Alan, will be fun to grow some more from the new plantlets or pass on to others :wink:

I don't know if yours will be the same but my plantlets send out shoots at a much smaller size than the original plant. Only one of my originals grew huge, the others are still small.

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If you plant the "pups" at the base of the "dam" then they tend to stay smaller.

Competition for light all that stuff.

If you move em away then they tend to get bigger.

Light quality desnt tend to effect the growth rate ...poor light will kill em just like any other plant but high light does not keep em small either.



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Yes it does help Navarre..Thanks! :wink:

Your info answers why, when I planted 2 plants the same size at the same time, one is almost the same size as when it was planted and the other is a triffid :wink: I replanted the pup in my 3ft tank about 6-8 weeks ago and it's just started to take off.

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