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Some pics of my tetra only tank.


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Just thought I would post up some pics of my tetra only tank. What do you think? anything I can improve on? I have added it to the freshwater members tanks but its waiting to be approved so all the specs are in there. Anyway the tank is 60x50x40 so its 120L and its rimless with black silicon. Now for some pics:





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Cool background!

You ask for suggestions... the only thing that strikes me is the background is totally disassociated from the substrate. If you found a rock or three that looked like the background, and partially burried them in the substrate it would look a lot more.... real?

(I say one or three rocks because even numbers of things tend to look less believable)

Is there no lid? No risk of them jumping out?

I can imagine it would be a very peaceful tank to watch. How long has it been set up?

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phoenix44 - Yeah it is a juwel background I just siliconed it to the back of the tank and let it dry for 2 days. As for the lighting I was actually thinkinf of getting a 4 x 24w t5 unit to put on top of it and put in 2 x Giesemann Powerchrome Aquaflora and 2 x Giesemann Powerchrome Mid Day 6000. Here are some more pics of the Emperors for you. I have 1 male and 3 females. I'm going to give breeding them ago.




Stella - Thanks for the suggestion I might give it ago another thing I was thinking of doing was putting in a piece of driftwood. There is no lid because it is a rimless tank and having a lid on it would kind defeat the whole purpose of having a rimless tank. I'm hoping since it is a peaceful tank nothing will jump out fingers crossed. I have had it set up for about 2 and a half weeks now.

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It really is amazing what a dark background and/or substrate can do for a tank. Really sets off the fish, even the little brown ones! ;)

Certainly at least blacking out the back where the rockwork doesn't cover would help. Depends on how much room you have. Coloured paper could work, and if you got a paper similar or slightly darker than the rock colour it would hide it perfectly.

Doing native kinda-biotope tanks my gravel and rocks all come from the stream the fish came from (sorta). You can't beat that for a natural look!

That said, it sounds like you are doing the plant thing properly and they should take over in no time :)

The gravel looks kinda blue..... is it actually blue?

(btw I love this new feature of telling me before I submit a post if someone else has already made a new post!!)

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Stella - Sorry I didn't see your post last night. The gravel isn't actually blue its just the pics. What do you mean covering the back where the rockwork isn't? you mean the sides of the tank?

I have posted some more info in the members freshwater tanks if anyone wants to tank a look.

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