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How to raise guppys


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If you are getting males and females they breed every 4 weeks. :wink: Get more females than males at a minimum ratio of 2:1. Flakes are fine but they will eat brine shrimp, bloodworms, microworms and algae pellets which are fed if you have catfish in the bottom of the tank. If breeding or wanting them to multiply supply some floating weed in the top of the tank as the mothers and other guppies will eat the fry as they pop out if given a chance.

Keep the water clean, regular water changes are always good. I am assuming you have some sort of sponge filter or underground filter attached to the air pump.

Imported fancy guppies are very nice but can carry disease which they are resistant to. :( Quarantining before placing them in tanks with NZ bred guppies may help but I am not certain. You may need to keep them separate.

Can I suggest that you post any further queries on guppies in the livebearers section as you will get a response from more experienced guppy owners than I. :D

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Firstly do you have a filter and a heater (or some way of keeping the tank above 20C i.e. a well heated house in winter)..

Pretty much what adodge said, they're awesome little fish start off with 2f and 1m and some plants and you will have thousands.. A 10L tank isn't much good for them really maybe for a trio to begin with but they will quickly reproduce and overcrowd a tank that small causing problems if you are a beginner.

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In a 10 litre tank I wouldn't put more than 3 or 4 fish

I'd recomend to go with males they are prettier than felmale guppies - you should really stick with the same sex as the tank is to small to have alot and they do bred very fast

Also you can get the sponge filters for around $10 at the LFS they are great for guppies and they run on a air pump. I feed my guppies on JBL Novobea, frozen bloodworms, finely crushed tropical flake and they get the odd algae pellet & shrimp pellets now & then

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  • 3 weeks later...

if you get females from your LFS 99% chance they will be pregnaunt...

If not all you need is a handful of females and one male... 10 mins later your male is surplise....

Females can remain pregnaunt for up too 6 months off one intercourse.

After about 28 days you will have babys!!! and LOTS!!!

you can either...

1) put lots of floating plants and some of the fry will survive

2) remove the adults and let the fry remain

3) place the female in a trap and raise the fry to a decent size and let them back into the tank when big enough

FAR to easy to breed!!! just get a nice strong strain and you will be set :)

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thanks for the replys no i dont have a heater on tank but tank does stay around 18c i dont have a filter just a airpump with air stones on it im not looking for alot of fish just 2-3 to fill the tank and something that does not envolve alot work

Get a heater, 18° is far too cold.

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  • 1 month later...

Guppies should be fine at 18 degrees. I've set my heater to 18 degrees for a few months and had no problems. Positives of using a heater: fish grow faster, less time between litters of fry, the tank can be used for different tropical fish, the heat can be changed to help spawn certain fish, you have security if the room heater breaks down or a freak snowstorm occurs. They're not that expensive either, about the cost of an airpump to purchase and run, sort of. If the air temperature is already warm then the heater will be off most of the time.

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the good thing is with a 10L tank you'll only need like a 50W heater at the max or you can go smaller with a 25W...and they're cheap

I read somewhere that guppies (along with quite a few other fish) are capable of changing sex? So either way you'll become an unexpected parent with heaps of little mouths to feed

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Good advice guys, I'm planning on dividing a 60cm wide tank into three 20cm blocks, and running a 10cm in-tank sump across the back with a 400l powerhead. Hoping to make it cost neutral within 6 months ;P.

They certainly multiply fast, that's all I can say. We've got a 15l tank for fry, and it's got about 40 in it at the moment. They'll be split up and moved over to our larger tanks when they're ready. There's no point trying to breed them unless you've got room for HEAPs of fry, there's no point just leaving the fry to get eaten or die from overcrowding ;D!

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