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My brineshrimp setup? tips/advice wanted

Insect Direct

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Below is my diy style bbs thing i made a couple of years ago -

light for warmth and i turn bubbles and light off wait about 10 mins and bbs go to the bottom eggs float? ( thats the thoery :lol: ) then i disconnect air tube at tap and bbs syphon out

works ok but not the most efficient i seem to get some eggs with bbs, just curious if it all makes sence and if my theory is right?? any tips/criticism would be appreciated




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I have a system which doesn't look as cool but operates on the same principles

An upsidedown coke bottle with hose in the bottom and element in the top. I have a pilot light going all the time as it is in the garage/workshop which has no windows.

Turn off element and air and wait 5 minutes, disconnect air hose from pump and drain water to container, put through seive and rinse with water, feed to fish with eye dropper.

Why do you have such small amounts of water in the containers? Mine are full--about a litre. You have a lot of critters to feed (and hopefully even more soon)

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hatching overnight depending on temp - gets upto 30 C in there but sometimes i find best results the next day (36-48hours) does that seem about rite?

theres about a litre in there and i chuck 1 tablespoon sea salt in, aged water - been over a year since i used it sorta forgotten the amounts and best temp to use :oops:

could fill it up abit more i suppose the one on right i had harvested from hence why so low -

i put through coffee filter then suck up with syringe to feed out - seem ok but those bbs sieves sound even better as coffee filters block up quick smart

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I use a stocking foot cut off the leg and placed over an old coke bottle or measuring jug to strain mine.

Cheap as chips and as easy to replace as the wearer ( just get someone to leave them behind or buy new from supermarket...lol) 8)

sieves you can use to grade but I have never seen the point.


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I have a set of 4 kindly donated by Caryl and they are realy good for foods like daphnia. You can grade the sizes out and feed the best sizes to different ages or put the big ones back to keep breeding, or the wee ones to grow on. No point with brine shrimp as the best food value is as soon as they hatch.

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I use the finest net of a set of four and it works great. Mr T got one from Amazonian I think so send him a PM and see if he was happy with it. Before I got mine I used one made from the top of a coke bottle with a hole cut in the lid and fine mesh under the lid---sitting upside down in the rest of the bottle. It worked OK but was not as easy as the purpose made ones.

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Hi All.

I do have the Brine shrimp Sieves and use them on a twice daily basis.

I feed in the morning and evening.

There are four sieves in a set and they cost $34.95 incl. GST.

They are graded at 180, 300, 560 and 900 micron mesh.

The entire set is very good for grading anything that you want to feed your fish.

I find that with the Brine Shrimp I supply and use, when it's hatched in 20 to 24 hours the nauplii will go through the 180micron mesh but I catch them in a linen strainer I made.

Those newly hatched BS can be fed to "Colisa and Betta" species as soon as they are free swimming.

That does not seem to happen with Imported BS as they are Artemia salina a larger specie, whereas the ones I have are the smaller Artemia fransiscana.


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