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tank started chirping....!


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My mudfish tank started chirping last night. :o

Hesitantly. Very briefly. Like it is just learning how.

It is a raspy chirp, similar but less musical than a cricket.

I put a couple of water beetles and a bunch of boatmen and backswimmers in last night. Could it be the water beetles?

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Alan, are you drawing attention to my appalling sentence? ;)

Yes apparently the male boatmen chirp. This implies that there are boatwomen also! :lol:

Apparently they have complex little ears. Some aquatic invertebrates make a noise only to deter predators, these bugs don't need to hear it and therefore don't have ears!

You learn something new and useless every day 8)

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Nah, the fish are USELESS!

They are mudfish, barely noticed the boatmen and women zipping all over the tank :roll:

I normally feed them oxheart directly from my fingers. Half the time they give my fingers a good chomp and ignore the piece of food!

They are not the brightest sparks.

Presumably the boatmen chirp to attract the boatwomen. Personally it just gave me a fright ;)

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