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I would feed already-dead stuff to my animals, but not so keen on the Live stuff. Thou in saying that, alot of us feed live Microworms, Whiteworms, Earthworms, Daphnia, Brineshrimp etc.

I wont stand for things suffering in pain (of being ripped apart etc) but most of these guys feed only wat the animal\fish will swollow whole, so the suffering (if any) is minimal.

There is normally a good diet of dry\dead foods that can be used instead, but some are still under the understanding that live is the best. For those that get kicks out of seeing a animal or fish suffer, they need their heads read!

I agree, I'd have no problems feeding a mouse to a huge fish like an arapima that could easily eat it, but for a smaller arowana where the fish is really struggling to get it down and the mouse suffers, thats not cool. I saw a video on youtube of someone feeding a huge goldfish to a school of red bellied piranhas. They must have been starving and the gradually ripped the poor goldy to bits, but it wasn't nice, and it certainly wasn't "just nature" as the person who posted it (and half the morons in the comments) seemed to think....

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