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Sexing Koura


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Is there an easy way to tell whether a koura is a male or female? I have just got one from my lfs, he/she is approx 13cm long (not including pincers).

I have not been able to find anything about how to tell the difference.th_2.jpg

Picture is not the best as had to use cell phone camera.

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weird.... I thought I replied to this.... in detail......can't be bothered re-typing.

males have backwards-pointing protrusions off the bit of leg that joins the body on the last legs, when you look at them from underneath.

That is about as much sense as you are going to get out of me right now, sorry.

Pick up a lot of crays and you get the idea.

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and please note in the photo the general lack of squealing like a girl and dropping the cray ;)

Twas possibly the biggest cray I have ever seen (for reference, the ring I am wearing there is 2cm across).

Very awkward photo to take, trying to hold the cray in one hand, the camera in the other, and desperately needing a third hand to swat away the BILLIONS of gnats and moths that were getting in the way and between my eyes and my glasses (shudder). Ianab kindly lured them away by proffering his ankles... ;)

So back to his glorious boy-bits... (the cray's, that is). Between those two back legs, right in the centre, are two white lumpy things. They are kinda pointed up in the photo so you don't get much of a 3D idea, but as they waggle their legs around you will see the protrusions waggle also....

The girl-bits are ill-defined holes on the second pair of legs.

Curtur, wait till your cray is sitting still, quickly put finger and thumb either side of the body, but mostly gently pressing down at this point to hold it still. While it is still you can get a good grasp of it and lift it up. It will flick the tail quite sharply causing you to drop it and need to repeat the exercise. Once you have hold of it it will not be able to nip you. The one in the photo just played dead, some waved their legs about looking rather impotent, while others continue to flick and make life difficult.

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