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a bit puzzled!


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Dave's little 11yo sister has started up her own tropical aquarium after we bought her a tank for her birthday, tank was running fine until two unquarrantined Angels were added which caused white spot but after a few doses of Furan 2 everything returned to normal.

She added 4 more small Angels to her tank and 6 tetras - we did a big water change because the water was looking a bit green and stagnant (she does one 50% per week). The smell from vaccuming the gravel smelt of sh*t to be honest (did a 70% waterchange using preheated water).

By evening the following day, 3 healthy Angels had dropped dead + 2 tetras. Wanting to know what could be the possible cause of it, she's at her wits end and crying and wanting to give the fish back to the petshop before anymore dies.

Any suggestions?

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she's had her tank running since October - no losses until the first encounter of white spot then everything was fine until that waterchange to get rid of the stagnant water.

Water is consistent - 26deg cel, pH 6.8 (ish)

I have suggested her to feed once every 2 days (she used to feed twice a day with big pinches)

We also think that her filter might be giving out - can't seem to feel the suction of the filter as much (it's an internal fluval filter about 2 months new)

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When you say stagnant water it means there is no movement at all. Time to take the filter out and give the sponge a good clean and clean the impeller while you're at it.

Set the outlet just below the water surface to create movement. You might want to check the ammonia and nitrite level to see if there is a crash.

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Overfeeding is what I would suspect and is very common with new people to the hobby. It can cause all sorts of changes to the water conditions and it is the changes that cause the problems rather than the conditions usually. Get it cleaned up and give clear lessons on how little is actually required when feeding.

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cool will let her know it's not a disease - have since put in a bubble wall to create circulation of the water. Her dad's going to have a look around the motor part incase it's giving out.

We're on the look out for a new filter anyway because we're doubting the filter's doing an adequate job

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stuff sits about in the gravel and decomposes. Although the water in the tank was mostly ok, the stuff in the gravel was pretty putrid, but mostly just sitting there.

But doing the big waterchange it moved everything about, releasing all those toxins into the water.

Bit like having a bucket of sh** in the corner, not ideal but ok-ish. You remove half of it out and air out the room, but in the process smear a lot of it around the walls etc. Suddenly everyone gets sick, despite there technically being much less sh** in the room.

Good suggestion about the lesson in how much to feed. Tell her that no matter how many times you feed them a day they will ALWAYS pretend they are starving to death ;)

I *would't* give the filter a clean right now, unless it is actually blocking up with gunk. Too much risk of more ammonia spikes etc on fish that are already stressed. Leave the tank to settle, keep doing regular SMALLER waterchanges and later on, when everything is fine, give the filter a quick check over and light rinse.

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Keep up the encouragement - we all suffer setbacks at some time, and (while distressing at the time) they will pass and she will enjoy the hobby again.

Also I know when I was 11 years old I wasn't a particularly reliable fish-keeper. If asked I would have said, "yes, I do regular water changes!" and "No, I don't feed them too much!"

Without trying to blame the poor girl, it might be a good time for a reminder about how a little bit of cleaning done often is so much better than a big clean after things start to get yukky. :wink:

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No more deaths since the last of the pearlscale Angels yet, making her hold feeding until either the second or the third day.

It was definately the filter that had given up, the motor wasn't going.

The tank is 100L and the Fluval internal filter said it cycled about 900L an hour, so we assumed it was suitable.

She's lost in total 6 small Angels, 3 Siamese fighters and a couple of Glowlights. But she's not giving up which is good

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Keep up the encouragement - we all suffer setbacks at some time, and (while distressing at the time) they will pass and she will enjoy the hobby again.

Indeed, I am in the middle of Distressing Fish Incident (DFI) number 943.7 and I too want to cry and quit keeping fish.

It doesn't get any easier, it just gets less regular (hopefully).

We could do with a sticky of positive comments we could refer to when feeling like your little sis.

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Good suggestion about the lesson in how much to feed. Tell her that no matter how many times you feed them a day they will ALWAYS pretend they are starving to death ;)

Angels are particularly good at this, they swim towards you as you approach the tank and follow you if you move around it - easy to think they are begging for food.

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