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Why wouldn't you want to live in America...

David R

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I went to the US a few years ago and had some wonderful snake experiences (for someone who had never seen a snake before in my life!)

First I stayed with some friends and shared my bedroom with an 8-foot long boa! One of those ones with a very pretty horsey kind of face. Unfortunately the snake hadn't been fed for about eight weeks so it had to stay in its cage for the duration of my visit. Apparently it gets quite grumpy when it's hungry and "likes to eat kiwis as a midnight snack" :o

I also visited a pet shop that sold a wide variety of small snakes. The assistant let me handle a couple of them and I have photos of them climbing up my arms, then all over my head and shoulders. Unfortunately one of them mistook my pinkie for a pinkie :( It thought my little finger was a baby mouse (its favourite food) and took a bite.

The assistant was very quick to get the snake off my finger (I couldn't have done it myself as its teeth kind of slant backwards and it had a good grip on me). They rushed me out into the back room because I was dripping blood on the floor and upsetting some of the other customers. :( It wasn't the snake's fault and I felt bad that one woman grabbed her children and rushed them out of the store. She apparently thought they were going to be gobbled up by a foot-long baby snake. :lol:

Anyway, I suppose there aren't many kiwis who can say they've been bitten by a snake, so it gave me a good story to tell when I got home.

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