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questions of wise fish people


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I'm trying to complete relocating our fish in the new house, and with... everything including 1 year old it's a bit hard to research could you wise fish people please help me with these questions..

Are oxygen shells too much for a transition tank the size of a bucket? or are they just .. can't hurt might as well..

How long does water really take to dechlorinate, and is it the worst thing in the world if they get a bit of chlorine

And oh that's it. I'm trying to keep an eye on my sick fish with interest to try and keep it alive, concern for another one which is in a bucket. Oh! that''s right... Is it bad for fish to be in a bucket for too long? I'm trying to change their water often... but should my hospital tanks have pumps?

I know this is simple stuff, but I'm looking forward to having it all sorted, and the fish all alive... then I'll feel like I can graduate to more complicated concepts... :)

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Oh also... (sorry.. but I would be really pleased for answers about all this)

While I was looking around I started reading about smell of the water... should the tank have no smell at all?

I've left about 4 inches of water in my big tank while shifting, and I'm just beginning to fill it again now. Very keen to get the healthy fish back in there. But it does smell a bit

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If the transition period is short ( a few hours at most) an oxygen shell is not needed. I would never use one anyway.

You can add dechlorinator to the water to get rid of it immediately or leave it 24 hours. A little bit of chlorine shouldn't hurt.

Yes it is bad for a fish to be in a bucket too long if it without water changes or a filter - and a heayerstat depending on room temperature.

Was the fish sick before it was put in the bucket?

It would help if your hospital tank had a filter, which is different to a pump but what I suspect you mean. Frequent water changes will do the job though.

The water may smell a little musty or have a slight smell. If it smells a lot I suspect a lot of crud in the substrate is to blame and a good vacuum of the gravel with a siphon would be in order.

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Gosh you're on the ball.

so why wouldn't you use an oxygen shell?

Yes this fish was sick, (Girly)(It had a cyst which is gone, but potentially has a more problematic fungal issue because its sides are white I've been writing about it. )

but the other one has only lost a couple of scales(Pearly). I hope it will be fine. The other bucket has 4 fish in it because they're going into their new tank asap.

But it's all a bit dire and girly is clenching and she has to stay in quarantine. So, a filter for a fish bowl? I don't think I can buy a whole new tank just for a quarantine tank...

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Thanks spoon! Yeah I understand. Ah valuable feedback yes :oops:

I just didn't expect this, it's all happened rather quickly.

I will not use that word again.

right.... 20 litre bucket, more plants, um, pump um filter... no I did mean pump, filters then times two.

temperature what sort of temperature is preferable for goldfish and/or blackmoor? Mine is 22C.

oh blimmin... trying NOT to torture the fish.

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oh yeah, no, I don't have a heater.

What goldfish want

pump and filter?

This one with the white must be on the way out, but then it could just be overfed... whichever it's alternately screaming "help me" through the glass or sinking. :o Or it could be shocked from inappropriate water changing...

So to try and help it? First step? ph? In a new large bucket with filter, tomorrow morning? What else?

palliative goldfish care, thanks everyone

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I am not very ball-like at all :lol: (any more)

I didn't realise they were goldish and not tropical so ignore the temperature advice :roll:

I don't think oxygen shells do a lot and are a waste of money.

The pump will help them while they are in the bucket for an extended period but I thought it was only going to be a few hours?

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(It was the Angel part I meant, :) Everyone thanks you for being right there when they ask a question. Me too. Fabulous, thanks.

No we've been shifting house car-load by car-load with a toddler in tow who wants to mimic my 'fishing' and screams for the fish net. It's been days. The main posse were in a cramped bucket for a day, but there was a second quarantined fish, (Pearly) a pearlscale who's only crime wa to've lost a couple of scales who is looking a bit sick round the gills now but hopefully coming right.

I've got five fish back in their big tank half filled with water because that's all we could carry from our new garage to final resting place.

You see I'm learning quickly BUT didn't realize that they pollute the water so quickly. I've been doing water changes on buckets but not enough for Pearly. On my big tank I've had just a pump, with no filter. Just a waterfall from a bit of hose, and plants.

But NOW I have a flash filter pump, all ready to go when I top up water levels, AND my hospital tank for Girly Is now a 60 litre bucket with filter pump and plants. Girly would like to thank you spoon personally (Girly is a girl goldfish who was bullied in pond recently developed a fungal ball on her dorsal fin which is gone but inexplicably has white sides. Just recently she's sulking again about her living conditions, and threatening to stop moving at all. I've been going on about it, but that's because I'm a complete novice and trying to save a goldfish life at the same time. )

If anyone has read this thread this far and interested you might like to take a look and say what you think it is: http://i434.photobucket.com/albums/qq61 ... ollage.jpg

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