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The King is dead


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Marto Hi

Yeah sorrty mate, the direction of the thread while being informative has neglected it's objective.

I would suggest you can add new fish to your setup, but add more than one and also rearrange the tank to counter the current territories within it.

That way the newbies should fold into this setup with a lot less stress.

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i wish members would use a bit more "tact" while dealing with others on this forum. The outcome of the past few posts is completely off putting for a reader - i could not believe half of the personal attacks - and yes as a complete outsider they do come across as personal attacks whether or not it was meant like that.

phil did not hold a gun to your head and force any of you to buy fish off him - and if he chooses not to take your advise on naming the fish then that is entirely his call.... perhaps he has his reasons. isn't that the whole point of an open discussion?

i dont know a lot about Africans although i have in the past kept and bred a lot of them. and surely if someone wanted to establish breeding colonies with the intention of breeding then he/she would do research and not just blindly buy what looks like the right fish.

its called a hobby for a reason - and the above posts are exactly why I would think twice about posting something about african fish - although i have a lot of q's about them.

come on people. this forum is meant for the exchange of ideas, thoughts and experiences. can we please use it for that and not targeting people? please? and if you read the posts above i think you will agree that it does come across as targeting one individual.

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