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Mysterious Disease? Please help :(


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Hi everyone,

As explained in previous posts.. about 4 months ago, I adopted a 2 year old fantail from a diseased tank in my workplace. He had Bacterial Septicemia with internal bleeding. I cured this using a combination of Tonic Salt & 2 courses of Furan 2 (with a week's break in between)... then after a significant break from any treatment.. I gave him a couple of courses of Melafix, to clear up the small remaining bit of the infection.. and what I was left with was a completely healthy and happy fish.

I kept my fish in a very small tank with only a pump.. because I still wasn't sure whether he'd live or die. When I was sure he was fine.. I bought him an AquaOne 510 (75 litre tank). Before moving him from the tank, I noticed that he had a small, raised white spot above his left eye.. so I decided to delay the move.. and keep a close eye on the spot.. and make a call about whether I need to treat him with Tonic. The spot came and went over a few days.. then finally went altogether. When I was sure he was fine, I moved him into his new tank (assuming that if it were White Spot, these would be left behind in the tank with the old stones etc.

Anyways.. he has LOVED his brand new tank.. and remained the happy, friendly fish he'd always been.. but a few weeks after he moved into the tank.. I bought him some plants.. 4 different kinds - all bought from a local pet store and bred in sterile conditions. Ever since I added the plants, he's been edgy and irratable. He no longer comes up to the top to see me.. and even gets jumpy when I put the food in his tank. His water quality is of course perfect.. other than the PH being a bit high - 7.4. But this was MORESO a problem when he was in his OLD tank without the filter etc. I very much doubt the water quality has had anything to do with what's happening at the moment.

I was wondering whether anyone else has noticed a change in their fish's personality after adding plants? He just seems very nervy.. and he's fine when left alone.. but if you go close to the tank to watch him.. he immediately becomes distressed and darts behind the plants!

Also, (I'm not sure if this is all related to an illness).. but today when I got home, I noticed that the original white spot that was above his left eye has returned. This is a NEW tank.. with ALL new equipment. If this was ITCH.. then wouldn't the parasites attack just random spots on the fish? It would be very unlikely for different parasites to attack the exact same area above the same eye wouldn't it???

If ANYONE has any ideas about why he may have developed what SEEMS like a fish's version of an anxiety disorder.. and the return of the white spot.. please let me know. I'm absolutely crazy about my little fish... I've spent $1000's on saving this one little guy. He's in this massive, newly established tank, with natural rocks, pump, filter and various new plants that are now growing brilliantly. I've done everything right I feel.. I'm really confused. :(

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sometimes when plants are added to a bare tank, fish then have somewhere to hide so go into a "flight mode" ie: hiding from predators

does he have any companions in the tank

you also state

He's in this massive, newly established tank

so water parameters may still be settling down, maybe regular water changes

white spots on head may be signs of being a male ? as it is breeding time for goldfish

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Brookey25, I've been reading your posts about your goldfish with interest, and I just want to say a big thank you for caring so much about these little guys. You've gone above and beyond to save them and make sure they're happy and healthy, so good on you!

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Imsmith, I was just about to say the same thing!

Brookey, I am really enjoying your enthusiasm for your fishy and just want to commend you for going the extra mile and not giving up, despite all the difficulties you have had.

Has Mr Fish had a tank with plants before?

Maybe before he would have liked to hide behind something if startled, but couldn't so he didn't. Maybe he is finally getting to behave like a fish?

I agree with the suggestions to take the plants out and see how he reacts.

The spot sounds odd. It would ease your mind if someone could have a look for you. Probably nothing to be worried about (it isn't spreading or anything). That is one of the handy things about having your hometown on your profile, you get an idea for who is local to you and you can get real-world help.

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A 75 ltrs tank is call a small tank and not a massive tank :evil: The water quality can quickly turn bad in such a small tank without you noticing. Have you tested it for ammonia and nitrite since it's a new tank?

Spending $1000s to save a little goldfish is totally insane unless you're filthy rich :bounce:

One white spot on a goldfish around the head region is quite common. I wouldn't go crazy and start dosing the tank with med.

If the fish is infected with white spots it will be all over the fins and body and not just 1 spot.

I would advice you to test your water and if in doubt do a 25% water change and add some salt (1 tbs/40 ltrs water) as your first line of defence.


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Thanks for telling me about the 'fight of flight' response fish get when introduced to new plants.. that's something to think about. I'm interested in hearing more about white spots on males during breeding season? It's great to know he might be completely healthy! In answer to your other question.. no.. he does not have any companions yet in his tank. I wanted to get him settled first.. and I will only add another fish of similar size I think - 2 will be enough for a beginner.


Thanks for the kind words! It's an expensive hobby - caring for sick fish.. but it's certainly been rewarding to see this fantail (who was about to be thrown away by the fish maintenance man) come back to life! And they all have their own personality don't they? No 2 fish are ever the same! Each has their interesting quirks.


Thanks for the compliment! It's been a real learning experience! To answer your question - no, Mr Fish has not had plants in his tank before. He DID come from the tank at work that had fake plants.. but he's never been around the real thing before. I'll take the plants out of his tank temporarily and see if this makes a difference.


I'm aware that a 75 litre tank is small compared with what the average fish enthusiast keeps.. but it's certainly more than enough room for 2 fish.. and that's all I plan on keeping in there. I'm aware of the risk of the water quality turning bad, but I'm not panicking since there is only 1 fish in the 75 litres.. and the water figures at this stage are fine.. only the PH is slightly higher than it should be.

Thanks for the advice with the salt & water change. This is what I was planning on doing .. so it's good to have confirmation I'm on the right track.

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