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plants for goldfish tank


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hi just after ideas for plants for my 160l goldfish tank , there are fake plants in there already but want to get some real 1s lighting is 1x30w tube could be upgraded to 2x30w substrate mt somers sand . i want something different other thasn oxy weed or val maybe a large plant like a waterlily or something . have also thort about using twisted willow branch as these will grow roots under water and leaves out of the tank ane ideas appreiciated ps plants that they are less likely to eat would also be a good starting point

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Goldfish tend to nibble at the roots which kills off the top of the plant :-?

My tank had Java fern and water sprite in it. The sprite grew faster than the fish could destroy it :lol:


I don't think you can grow lilies in it as they need a certain depth (might be wrong there).

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cool there is some of that on trademe ,not too keen on java moss tends to grow every where over the tank would 2x 30w tubes be enuff to attem pt water lillies or another bigger plant remember the sand is white and does a lopt for reflection of light?

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We grow blue hygrophilia, ludwigia, lysamachia, baby tears and java fern in all our goldfish tanks with no problems whatsoever. Mind you most places where the tanks are have a temperature of around 20 degrees. The only time that the goldfish destroy the plants are at this time of the year when the hygrophilia can be very tender.

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