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Angels 'kissing'


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My angels, which spawned yesterday, were lip-locking. They are alone in a 3ft tank with their eggs. I've never seen them do this before - they are usually really peaceful.

Is this fighting behaviour, or are they flirting or what? They're still caring for the eggs.

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lol.. you certainly are having a good time breeding your fish aren't you? :lol:

I wish I could take credit for them spawning, but basically, what happens is I see eggs, panic slightly, then frantically try to figure out what to do - it just happens that they all seem to do it at once! :o

They seemed to look happy enough, but I'm just scared that they'll get hurt, or be too busy fighting to be good parents. They're def. a boy and a girl; I've watched them spawn.

Olly, I know this is gruesome, but did the jaw fall off, or just get dislocated....?

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Hi Imsmith

My golden angels have started kissing too (I only have 2), since I moved them out of their squished tank and into my big setup - every night they're kissing (and possibly kissing all day for all I know but I'm not home to see). I found a youtube vid of angels kissing, but this is fighting behaviour: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=W2uBls1khMk - mine aren't aggressive like this - mine do gentle grabs and let go seconds later. These ones are grabbing firmly and wrestling, then wrenching as they let go.

So, are mine actually courting? How exciting! :bounce:

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I've got a question about this - I think my angels are kissing for dominance reasons, as opposed to potential breeding. There are only 2 in the tank, would it benefit or hinder them to add more (say 2 more maybe?) or would it up the dominance kissing a notch (not what I want to do - my angels are kissing all the time and I just hope they don't seriously injure each other so wonder how to stop it and thought maybe introducing more might do that)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I don't know about borrowing fish - I'd hate if anything happened to them. I dont' want too many fish in my tank either - so if I buy a couple more and the two original angels continue with their "kissing" then it would have all been for nought :(

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