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bristle noses go in the filter


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hi there

i have a little problem.. this morning i found 2 of my bristle noses in my aquaclear 200 filter :o (1 male, 1 female) i guess they went in through the waterfall part of the filter...

i took them out of there back into the tank but later that night they were back in there!

is this a sign of mating?




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i was going to say that rob, good spotting :lol:

looks like they need a cave to breed in they like to hide so make more caves,

net the eggs out if its eggs and put them in a breeding trap get the ones with the vents on the side, put it in your tank , put an airstone over them not to fast and wait and you will have babies in 3-5 days , thats how i do my babies , you dont lose as many

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i was going to say that rob, good spotting :lol:

looks like they need a cave to breed in they like to hide so make more caves,

net the eggs out if its eggs and put them in a breeding trap get the ones with the vents on the side, put it in your tank , put an airstone over them not to fast and wait and you will have babies in 3-5 days , thats how i do my babies , you dont lose as many

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oh.. those on the top left and right corners are some spirulina pallets.. for them to eat...

but OMG.. here's the news...... they WERE breeding!!

this morning i found a bunch of EGGS in the filter but the parents were outta there already..

so i got a breeding net, carefully placed them in there and also put an air stone to keep the water moving..

am i doing the right thing here? is there anything else i should do?

how long do i wait til they hatch? 3-5 days is it? oh how exciting :lol:

here they are in the filter:



here they are in the net with the air stone:


a view from the bottom of the breeding net (and my clown swimming across haha):


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So, they were making breaded caviar? Wow, cool,I didn't know they went to so much trouble for preperation. Though, I'd much rather have mine spend their time breeding.:)

Sorry,:) bad spelling is really getting on my nerves today.

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if you can change breeding nets get the box plastic ones with air vents in the side, you have a bottom bit of plastic make sure you put the little nobs on each side pointing up that way the babies cant get out or other fish cant eat them, the babies can get sucked through by other fish wanting a nice meal.

those net ones also hold alot of food and dont clean up to well.

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Isn't it Ira

This is a reason why those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

and why you never pee into the wind.

Ya always get ya own back.


Wow, cool,I didn't know they went to so much trouble for preperation.


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meh.. fine i fixed my spelling errors..


i do have a plastic breeding trap, but the vents are at the bottom of the box and has a lid. is this ok?

what did u mean by this:

make sure you put the little nobs on each side pointing up
what nobs?
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no i have found that they are no good for b/n as the food goes off quickly!

as for the little knobs alan when you buy the trap you get a bit that goes on the bottom of the trap most people put the knobs facing the bottom of the breeding box, but i find if you put it the other way no babies can get out of the trap!

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Ira, the "a" and the "e' are more than a fat finger apart.

So would not count for a typo

I make a point of not correcting any erros from others

Typos or not

You do not know their circumstances.

In my opinion, it is rude

But at times, the complainant gets caught him/herself.



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can u guys stop arguing about this..

its really not a big deal..

if Ira wants to be annoying then let him be..

i'm certainly not bothered.

who cares about some stupid typos.

i know my english. been here for over 10 years. i'm just more used to typing bread rather than breed.

so just drop it.

and let me read this thread in peace............ this is supposed to be an exciting moment :lol:

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some (about half) of the eggs have solid whitish colour in them

and some (the other half) are still plain clear orange

why is this?

does it mean that some of the eggs are fertilised and some aren't?

this is the best pic i can show, its a bit blurry cuz of the net..


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Many fish eggs will go white when they are infertile (usually over the course of a couple of days after being laid) - going darker is fine as that's expected as the embryo develop. If left, the infertile eggs will start to fungus - this fungus can spread to the fertile eggs and damage them. I personally would remove any eggs that are going white - if you'd prefer not to take that step yet, then at least seperate the two types of eggs to opposite ends of your net enclosure.

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ok i separated the white ones from the clear ones.. and removed them.

they're very sticky arent they?? i had to use my fingers to separate them...

some of the clear ones are still sticking together but will they be ok separated like that? (some are in clumps of 3 or 2, and some are one their own.)

will they be ok after being handled so much?

i only managed to save about 20 eggs.......

im so scared... :cry:

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i now have 17 healthy eggs

there's a red line along the eggs.. looks like blood vein?

no black dots (eyes) yet...

hopefully they'll hatch in the next couple of days :D

by the way.. how sensitive are those eggs to those blue ich medicines?

i had to put some of that medicine in because one of my mollies have ich............

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just an update..

not all 17 made it :(

first of all, 3 hatched and i dont know where the rest went ! :o when i came home from uni, i only found 3 in the net...

so i decided to put those 3 in a plastic breeding trap (i know i should've done this when they were still eggs.. *sigh*)

anyway, as i was putting them in the plastic box, one escaped and went into the main tank! then i couldnt get it back into the plastic box cuz Milo (the dad) was guarding it :roll:

so there there are only 2 in the box.................. then 1 died......... so i only have 1 left in the box.........

i dont know the status of the one with Milo.... he's not guarding it anymore.. i guess that one died too.........

all in all... i only have 1 baby...... getting darker now... :) hope it will survive..........

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