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Recomendations on terrarium


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Yea i was going to have one heat lamp suspended half way down the tank and the other fixed to the top with a high basking spot under it. Is it alright to put plants in the terrarium with the beardy?

Does anyone have pictures of terriums they want to put up?

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yeah it would be great to see some pics. We are also in the process of building a bigger one for our dragons and are just trying to figure out the best way to do the doors, at the front. Does anyone have suggestions on what type (which way to open, glass or perspex etc) would be best. :D

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I think the most common is sliding doors but im thinking of hinged doors as you can open it up easier which will hopefully make cleaning easier etc. I cant actually think of many other ways to design the doors. What size were you looking at for your tank?

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yea beardies prefer more floorspace as appose to height really, which ever your highest point theyll tend to hang so pays to make that the basking spot/lamp above etc.

slidings doors all good for cleaning, just clean one side then slide doors across clean the other :lol: or doors can come out all together but getting tricky now.. cant see anything wrong with hinged doors tbh

perspex is all good if your rough like me (doesnt breake like glass :lol: ) and if your not worried about display so much as it will get scratchd up hard with bds

glass - good but harder to cut your self - looks better imo posibly cheaper to as acrylic/perspex can be pricey stuff

If you go for sliding doors they sell the plastic tracks for them at bunnings ;)

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The enclosure is being made out of old rimu boards which we found under our house :P:P. It's for two 6 month old water dragons, rather than beardies. The size is 1200H 1600W and 800D so we can get it out the door :lol: :wink:

If you go for sliding doors they sell the plastic tracks for them at bunnings ;)

Thanks for that :bounce: I've been looking for old windows on TM but getting the plastic tracks maybe a better way of doing it.

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all very nice bulldogod, i especially like the enclosure in pic 1 and 3 :D

broms2 - yea they seem rather paranoid about substrates i geuss tiles are pretty good all around, safe, keep heat, easy to clean, diy friendly ;)

I've just made a setup and went for tiles in the end as everything else seems to be questionable and must say so far tiles been all good

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Those are some nice terrariums bulldogod. Im looking at building something similar to the one in picture number 5. Building your own would be good too, but its just finding the time to do it haha. Does anyone know what a good size terrarium is for two full grown bd's? How much do baby dragons eat a day?

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they get food and heat laid on,what else is there to do?lay around in the best spot you can find,digest your food then go find some more??

Baby dragons eat large ammounts of food and given ideal conditions can grow really fast.To raise clutches of young ones is quite demanding in terms of keeping the food up to them,any shortfalls can end in tradgedy with missing tails ,limbs or even siblings.

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oh yea i mite do that instead of tiles, its more natural as well i guess. whats a good daily diet for a beardy? Im about to start up a locust and meal worm culture before i get my bd. I also realise that vegetables should be included. Anything else i should be looking into?

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