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Glass cutters


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I am about to make a tank especially setup for my crypt growing project.

I just need to get my hands on some more glass( will go visit some local glaziers and scrounge for cheap s/hand stuff.)

My question is about glass cutters

Is there a best type to get?

Ive seen then for a few dollars and seen some for a fair few more dollars.

Considering that it prob wont get much use once this project is complete, what do people recommend?

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The cheap ones or expensive ones are about the same. They will both end up stuffed if you abuse them by:

Cutting dirty glass

Cutting over an existing cut

not having oil on the wheel

Starting the cut right on the edge

Up to you but if I was going to stuff one I would prefer it to be the cheap one. I have both and have used both and they are all fine if used properly.

Second hand glass is fine (30 years ago all tanks were made from 2nd hand glass) You need to make sure it is clean where you are cutting and remember that glass is a liquid and the older it is the more uneven the thickness will be so the more tricky it will be to cut. If you can get it cheap enough you can afford to stuff the odd bit.

As a complete aside I know someone who has grown crypts emersed to flower and identify them. They have distinctive and attractive flowers. PM if you want more info.

Barrie has posted a good description on cutting glass. If all else fails---ask the pros

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Hi all.

I suggest that you set up an automatic misting system if you are going to try and flower these plants..

Believe me, I did this in 1969 so it's nothing new to me.

Back then I imported a lot of the "Crypto" species but I imagine that there would be none of them around now, and also a lot of the species have been re classified as well.

Several examples of my imports that I propagated from flower by pollinating and gathering the seeds were;

Crytocoryne johorensis.

C. purpurea.

C. nevilli.

C. veersteegii

C. lingua.

I also suggest that the tank you use be at least 65 cm deep as some of these species grow quite large when emersed.

Good luck.


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Hi All

I am posting this information for those along with "SUPERSI" that want to try growing and propagating the "CRYTOCORYNE" species.

Getting "crypts" to grow emersed is a VERY TIME CONSUMING job, but the flower of the species is very beautiful and worthwhile to see.

You know about putting a crypt into a tank, and having it turn to mush within a day or two; well getting them to grow out of the water is just as hard.

You have to drop the water within a couple of days.

The next concern is having HIGH humidity in the tank, hence you need a good fitting lid.

The mist sprayer is easier to make now as you can buy garden mist heads and adapt the hose and fittings to do the job your require.

I had my unit on a timer which misted the area every 4 hours during the day and every 6 hours at night.

Dont forget that any water you add through the misting process has to be removed immediately as well, so a water level sensor is a must, as is a small pump to remove it.

A small "BILGE PUMP" works a treat with a float switch.

Good luck.


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