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Angels and Gouramis?


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ok the males have a bigger longer top fin thats more pointed at the end while the female has a short more rounded top fin, the males also tend to have more colour , there are probably more differences than i know of . stocking wise im not to on it with that i have 4 in a 200l tank with lots of other fish (no angels now tho) if u wanted more than 2 u may be better off looking at one of the dwarf gourami varieties(some have awesome colours) goldens can get quite large a far cry from the small 1s u see in the lfs and tend to be more aggressive than other varieties

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cool, thanks for your help. I didn't realise they are more aggressive than others.

So dwarf gouramis would be fine (size wise) with the angels? I was thinking of the gold gouramis because they get bigger, so they would beable to stand up to the angels

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as long as you have a few plants in there dwarf gouramis will be fine with angels, they just ignore them. the plants are so each male can feel like he owns a territory and they dont scrap constantly. they require good water conditions

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