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Lets be spacific please


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I did have a huge big reply typed out, but my computer crashed and I lost it... :(

Cookieskennels; go buy a few good fish books, do some reading and research, and most importantly learn to use Google. There is a wealth of information out there just waiting to be discovered, far more than was ever available to me when I started keeping fish, back when we didn't even have the internet at home. I could rattle off different combinations of fish that you could keep together, but without knowing why then you're not going to learn anything and are just going to continue making mistakes and asking silly questions. I am a firm believer that knowing something is pretty pointless unless you know the reasoning behind it, and this is a great example of that. In another of your threads you asked "what is a Ctenopoma?" after I suggested it. Try typing Ctenopoma into Google and have a read of the first three websites that come up.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to put you down, I just think that you have a lot of learning to do and that you should be responsible for that rather than expecting everyone to serve you information on a plate...

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in response to Dave R

I myself google all day every day for all sorts of things and understand what you are saying, though there is a slight trend here by some to flame first, give advice later .. I'm not implying that you have done this - just it can be a tad frustrating the lack of consistency on this site ... prime example my first ever post here where I was asking what I had done to kill my koura/borneos and someone got snotty about over me stocking - then a couple days later I saw the same person telling somoene else to overstock their much smaller tank with no problem at all

Personally I come here (like the original question asker) for advice from people in the know as I wish to minimize fatality - as you can find all sorts of assumptions/opinions out there .. this is how I ended up with koura, borneo suckers, goldfish and the idea i could acclimatise lower end tropicals in my tank ..

some of the members that have been here a long time need to go easy on us - some of us aren't as stupid as you assume we are ...

we just want to learn (this is not targeted at you in anyway at all Dave R as I feel you were gracious in your critique)

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MJ; I appreciate your point (and believe me, this forum is very polite in terms of flaming...), but what I am suggesting instead of making a post saying "what cichlids can I keep together" is doing some research and then making a post saying "I'm interested in keeping lionheads and kribs in my 180L 3' tank, from what I've read they would seem to be compatible, do you think it will work?".

The forum exists for people to share opinions and experiences, and to help people learn. It shouldn't be used as a substitute for reading and research though, otherwise the older more knowledgeable member get sick of answering the same old questions and just don't bother.

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are you intending africans or south americans?

This is the key question. Once again it appears the poster is scared off by the replies? ppl have assumed this person already knows there are lots of different cichlids out there. i'll admit i don't know the diffs between africans and sth american cichlids for the most part and i had to google just to know that africans incl lake malawi, tanganyika, victoria. then again this should probably be in the beginners section eh?

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Theres also central american smidey and rarely asian 8)

Don't forget about madagascan and non-rift-lake Africans that require water more similar to south americans. Is better to research individual species than make judgements based on which continent they come from.


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