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Zebra plecs were bred in NZ?


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from all reports and investigations io have made dixon the answer is no i think they were the only "reported breeding " of L046 as per breeding scheme look it up its still litsed on here in 1999

But as far as i know they sold them on and they either left the country(the fish i mean ) or they died thru mishap ..shame eh coz they were here and they are a beaut fish

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Do you know if they are being exported,you staying here?

me staying here ? to the best of my knowledge i am dixon :o you have some news on me that i dont ?

i would doubt /be disappointed if they are being exported still . there is a market here for them ,even if it may be small at the price they may fetch, but i would definetly sell local before exporting and use it only as a last resort if the local market wasnt available(if it was me that is )

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Anyone know if these people still have Zebras?


found that years ago. na they don't have anymore, i heard they ended up selling them off for around $70 ea. rumour has it they could have even been exported to australia. or..... they went to locals (surely some must have??!) and could be in rogan's friend's hands ;)

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mate youve got it bad your repeating yourself lol

im with you though i would love some i remember the good old days when they were 180 each

mmm if only you could know what was going to happen 10 yrs ago!!! would've been good cuz heaps more ppl would have them and be breeding them so you might actually be able to buy some in NZ. tho by the sounds of whispers there's some hope of it happening one day! my understanding is they are not allowed to be exported from their wild habitat as they are endangered. they can be imported into NZ but from a captive source eg a foreign breeder. many have come in claiming to be able to do this but nothing has eventuated for one reason or another eg overseas trader stealing money :cry:

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yes, there was a legit one about 1 yr ago down in the south island somewhere....the person ended up sayin that the heater was accidentally pulled out and it died, however my belief is that they said this to withdraw the auction at zero fees and that person was made an irresistable offer (must've been over $1k) and sold it behind the scenes.. that's what i hope anyway! pity no one had the foresight to knowing these would be so rare here and many other places. kinda like the current fancy plecs i guess, not many ppl know the ideal conditions and how to spawn them. zebra plecs for example are found in deep fast flowing water and divers would risk their lives just to catch them

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yes, there was a legit one about 1 yr ago down in the south island somewhere....the person ended up sayin that the heater was accidentally pulled out and it died, however my belief is that they said this to withdraw the auction at zero fees and that person was made an irresistable offer (must've been over $1k) and sold it behind the scenes.. that's what i hope anyway! pity no one had the foresight to knowing these would be so rare here and many other places. kinda like the current fancy plecs i guess, not many ppl know the ideal conditions and how to spawn them. zebra plecs for example are found in deep fast flowing water and divers would risk their lives just to catch them

I know this guy, it was Errol from Critter Kingdom. I can confirm that it died. He originally had a pair, the male died. We where going to import some more and I was going to give him a male for the use of the tanks then he stopped replying to emails.

I gave him the suppliers contacts so maybe he imported some maybe he didnt.

They are not a legall import as of yet, at the next visit to the import list the L46 and some other plecos will be added and some fish removed e.g livebearers.

We cant export them from their native country because they are banned from export, they are being smuggled out but because of you unique laws e.g quarantine we cant get them.

We can get them from private breeders but then you have to prove that they are CM and you still need CITES permit to export/import. Very expensive and lengthy process. Then you have to get them through quarantine...

I was told by the little white bird that there is a importer who is breeding them in mass groups and they will slowly leak them into the country at around the $1000 mark...

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