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Proud new Discus owners


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My name is Natalie. My fiance (Matt) and I have been the proud new owners of a magnificant breeding pair of red turquoise Discus for nearly 6 hours now lol.

I (Natalie) used to have tropical fish as a child, and we decided to get a tank up and running as a feature in our home about a year ago. It wasn't long before we spotted the Discus and agreed that one day we would have a go at breeding them. We hadn't planned to doing it just yet...but when we saw this pair we just couldn't resist!

We are also hoping to get into Zebra Pleco's a little further down the track...finding some would be good start lol And also the dark eyed golden bristlenose.

We were wrapped to hear about this Forum, and will be posting all sorts of beginner questions I'm sure as we feel our way through this new hobby.

I guess that's about all at the moment.

Look forward to reading all the posts.

Kind Regards, Natalie.

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Hi Natalie and Matt

I hope they have settled in and I hope Matt has cooked your dinner.... move away from the tank and cook her some dinner :lol:

I know you will enjoy this site and should get lots of help from everyone here!

good luck, look forward to hearing how they go!


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Welcome to you both. Discus aren't the best fish to begin with but I hope all goes well. Echoing Matt, what size is the tank? Had you cycled it before adding the fish?

She mentioned having the tank up and running for about a year, so I would say it is pretty much cycled.

Anyway welcome to the forums Natalie! Everyone on here is a bundle of knowledge so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. If you already have your discus breeding then I would say you are doing a pretty good job. Well done and good luck with the discus.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. Haven't had a chance to log on in a few days so I'll reply to all the questions now :)

We started off with a community display tank about a year ago, that's about 225L from memory. But that wasn't enough...we soon saw Discus, fell in love, and decided that one day we would get some. In October last year, we bought a second unit...its about 80L I think (Matt would be the one to ask that one :)). Following some advice, we purchased a breeding pair of angels. We were told to have a go at these before we got Discus as they were similar to breed etc. We got to the point where the babies were free swimming, but then the parents would eat them all. They also got really aggressive with eachother...did a bit of damage, so we put them in our community tank and have just kept guppies in the little tank since then. So yes, the little tank is well cycled.

We are going to purchase some more tanks shortly and get them all prepared so we can put the Discus babies in them at a later date...positive thinking here lol they will breed successfully for us lol

We are so excited about our new little hobby and really look forward to all the advice you guys can bear to type!

The only thing I'm a bit worried about at the mo, is that we have taken the internal filter out and put a sponge filter in...but since they're not even breeding yet, I'm a bit worried about the water quality in the meantime. We were thinking about putting the internal filter back in until we start to see some action, but they're just settling in and don't want to disturb them. Any advice?

Kind Regards, Natalie.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Hope you have plenty of free time. Sponge filters are preferred over canister filters, so you have gone the right way. Now comes the water changes. Discus thrive on protein and in an environment that is prestine.

Happy Discus will eventually breed.

Good luck! :D

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