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size is dependant on species my largest at the moment is pickles hes a Polypterus lapraedi and is 15 inches and should stop growing around 24 inches

Most of the species I keep avg. about 12-14 inches fullgrown -Anne

Species and sizes

maximum known sizes often smaller in captivity

P. palmas palmas ('palmas' bichir)- 13"

P. palmas polli ('marbled bichir)- 14"

P. palmas buettikoferi ('buettikoferi' bichir)- 13"

P. ornatipinnis ('ornate' bichir)- 27"

P. delhezi ('armoured' or 'delhez's' bichir)- 14"

P. endlicheri endlicheri ('saddled' or 'red' bichir)- 36'' P. endlicheri congicus ('giant' or 'congo' bichir)- 39"

P. senegalus senegalus ('Senegal' or 'Cuiver's' bichir)- 12"

P. senegalus meridionalis- 12"

P. weeksi ('week's' bichir)- 20"

P. lapradei ('Lapradei' bichir)- 24"

P. retropinnis retropinnis ('retropinnis' bichir)- 14"

P. retropinnis lowei ('Lowe's' bichir)- 12"

E. calabaricus ('Ropefish')- 15"-30''

Hope the chart is useful and thanks for the warm welcomes

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Not bichirs they use their gills but also have a divided swim bladder part of which acts as a primitive lung .In the wild they come from warm oxygen poor water so they have adapted by using lungs to help get oxygenAnd there are many other species of fish which augment their gills

with the abiltiy to breath atmospheric oxygen-Anne

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