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painting back of tank


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What's a good colour for this? I read on this site oxford blue turned out nice. My tank is in the lounge wall and backs onto a small room (which is dark - even during the day) so painting the back of the tank is not a necessity for me but Im considering it as it might look more effective plus hide some plumbing. Thoughts? Pies - you did this on your frag tank, how did it turn out? Would you do it for your new tank?

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I think painting the back of the tank is extra hassle and not necessary...I only even have some backing paper loosely taped on the back of a couple tanks. BUT, I think a medium-dark blue looks best. IMO black looks a bit unnatural(Admitedly more natural than a bunch of plumbing) but odds are you're going to have most of the background covered with rock anyway.

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hassle and cost is not an issue. want to make it look better. i agree medium/dark blue looks best but c'mon ira admit it, backing paper is a pain in the arse and looks ugly, does this look familiar? :D


Appreciate the feedback though, thanks. :o

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I didn't say backing paper looked good, I just said I don't really give a damn.:) That's why that one looks so bad, I haven't touched it in about 3 years. Other than knocking it around while moving hoses, the tank, etc.

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:D of course. well im after something that DOES look good, hence the post. I suggest paint as its permanant. I guess the type of paint has to be one that sticks to glass and is ok with salt water! What colour is everyones preferred choice? Im sticking with oxford blue at the moment...
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I have painted the back of about 10 tanks now. Use spray paint, works fine. Tip - Make sure the back of the tank is spotless clean, and sprayapint on evenly.

Colour. This is definiatly one for personal preference. My big tank is blue (marine blue actually) and the frag growout tank is black. There is little doubt in my mind that the blue looks 10x better. My new tank will be blue. This is a problem for me, as I will need to buy some blue perspecs to get the overflow made (I can get black perspecs for free), but its worth the hastle. YMMV.

Backing paper looks like, well, backing paper and I am not sure if its worse than having nothing at all.

As for it being a hastle (Ira) it only takes 10 mins to do (1 day to dry) and then you never have to do it again. If you are planing a tank then I don't see it being a problem. Backing papaer is something you see with tanks that people setup and a hurry and have tried to retro-fit somethign after they realise they should have done something about it.

I'll say it again for those who missed it: Do it once, do it right.

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we use black board paint or spray cans,

i find black is better because it gives you depth, if you look at a tank with black on it you think the tank is bigger, blue brings the back of the tank closer to you, one side of my shop has the back of the tanks black and the other side of the shop has blue backed tanks and everyone thinks the black backed tanks are bigger.

thats why black is best and it doesnt show algae as bad

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Black vs. blue. As a diver, the ocean is only black at night time, other than that its blue, bright blue (check my Fiji underwater photos). Black just doesn't look right, very unatural, very garish. Black shows algae and everything else 10x worse than blue, but growth on the glass is in-evitable. I have a tank in both at the moment (in fact I have 2 blacks and 1 blue) and there is little doubt the blue looks much nicer.

My freshwater is black however, which looks good, and I would always paint the back of a freshwater tank black (or very dark green).


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  • 4 weeks later...


actually, i have opted against painting the back of the tank. the room behind will be dark anyway.... although im still debating whether i paint it blue to give a nicer effect,... but then i dont want to make it look artificial... someone make up my mind for me!!!

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