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Community tank help please


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I have just moved my community fish from a 75 litre in to a 200 litre and am wanting to add some more fish.

The existing community was:

6 leopard danios

10 neon tetras

1 BN

2 Corys


7 Guppies

3 Balloon Mollies

2 Platys

I have added 2 small Angels

I would like to also add

1 Betta

Blue rams

possibly some others too but these ones are what I would like to add next.

My questions are....

Is a betta on it's own ok, can I get a male with out any problems?

Is 2 blue rams ok, or do I need more?

Thanks in advance

Any other suggestions gratefully accepted :D

oo0o0o Also, are killies a NO NO in a community tank?

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1 male fighter o it's own is fine but you could get him some ladie friends if you want also I kept just 2 blue rams and they were fine. I think it depends on the killies if they can go in a community tank but I'm pretty sure Australe golds can go in one but I heard that males nip male guppys long fins so they may nip a male fighters as well. My advice on what else you should put in their are a bigger group of cories and add khulie loaches as they're really cool to watch. Just watch the angels when they get too big as they will start to eat you neons.

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LOL yeah the angels are going to cause problems I think LOL

I have 2 random guppy fry in there and they have already tried to catch them lol

If I got the betta a girlfriend or two would it lead to aggression at all?

I don't want any one getting their head ripped off :P

Kuhlie loaches are on my wanted list too but not right now lol

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I will echo the warnings about your Angels. They will show aggression to each other if they don't become a pair. If they do become a pair they will terrorize the entire tank if they spawn.

I had a pair in a 225L community and suffered many fatalities. The Angels went from 'peaceful' to nasty aggressive overnight.

I would recommend only keeping the Angels with fish of similar or larger size. Or rehoming them entirely.

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:( so it seems that it wasn't a wise decision to get the Angels, They are very small at the mo though so, maybe I can keep them for a while and rehome them when bigger

Unfortunately Cichlid7 I can't keep the 75 litre, I have no room in the house for it now that I have he bigger tank :(

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