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Finally signed up to the site, love keeping fish and have found it to be a very challenging and rewarding hobby. Seriously considering trying to breed some of my fish, have established a foot long tank with a variety of plant life, just unsure of what fish from my display tanks i should start with. The fish that show the signs of breeding are my Lemon tetras, Rasboras, Scissor tails, Buenos aries tetra, Gouramis, and fighters. i want to have a successful experience, without to much disappointment. i am not even sure if this is the right time of year or anything, any suggestions? and what does imo or imao mean?

It would be great to hear from any enthusiasts in Tauranga.

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Hi & welcome!

You'll get lots of help here in trying to breed fishies. Many here have/are successful breeders.

Personally I don't, nor do I want to, breed fish. Time, finances, and space are only a part of why I choose not to breed fish. It's is not something that I am interested in doing at all.

Anyway, good luck with your breeding of fishies. Post a pic of your tank sometime. Approximtely how many liters/gallons does your tank hold? You said it's a foot long, what are the other dimensions?

Take care & have fun,


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thank you for the heads up with the abbrev.

I have got a few tanks set up now ranging from an ar620 through to a six foot. the foot long tank is actually two foot (sorry) and i was just going to use that for breeding.

i am trying to figure out what is the best way to post photos, i have seen some actually in posts, how is this done? any suggestions out there.

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it may be b/c i am using a mac? im going to try photobucket later see if thats anybetter

There is nothing wrong with using a Mac!!!!

In Photobucket you can get it to automatically resize your images to the 640 x 480px forum limit, by choosing the size in the dropdown box here.


Are your pics from a camera or phone? If they are too small to start with, it may be causing the problem, but I see Dixon seemed to be able to get ahold of a higher resolution picture...

Oh, and welcome to the forums!

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hey mate, theres a few people round tauranga that have set-ups, living art has what? least 6 big tanks, i have a 4 ft and a little breeder and another tank that ill be turning to a breeder for scissortails soon hopefully. MTS is kicking in... lol

about time we got some more tauranga people actually, need to get the local fish club numbers up... incl myself :oops:

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cheers snorkel, i just took three pups of the tiger lotus which i am really stocked about, the planted aquarium has been my most rewarding pursuit so far in fish keeping, fish love it to.

I want to do a bigger project with my big tank but have some non-compatible with plants, but love them too much to axe them, so its kind of a catch 22...

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