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Aggressive cherry barb males


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I have 2 cherry barb males and 3 females. The males seem to chase anything close to their size - e.g. neons, glowlights, baby platies. I even saw one chase an adult platy once.

I thought cherry barbs were meant to be placid?

Anyone else with cherry barbs like this?

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My cherry barbs are very peaceful, but they don't seem to be too discerning with their 'courtship'. Yours are probably just in the mood for a bit of the old hanky-panky and chase anyone who is nearby!

Personally I wouldn't worry unless they are actually harming the other fish. Just make sure

a) There's a good size school so they have plenty of their own kind to play with

b) There are places the other fish can go to get away from them (like plants that come up fairly high in the water to hide behind)

And just enjoy this pretty, active little fish. They have definitely become one of my favourites for both visual attractiveness and temperament.

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I've also had this problem, 2 males to 3 females

The females started to look not so good, so I moved 1 male to another tank.

Now the original Cherrys are happy, and the lone male is lonely :( I've got another female coming soon, then I'll do a swap around and have 1 male to 3 females in each tank, and everyone will be happy :)

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