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What are your Dogs names? Post pics too!


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What are your Dogs names? Post pics too!

And why did you name them this?

Bruno-Name after Bruno Larrence

Mother was purebred Boxer, Dont know what the dad was



(he is a bit overweight at the moment :lol: )

Eevee- Adopted her from Blacks Petshop, She already had this name

Mother was Purebred Boxer X we think Ridgeback



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This was our much loved Greyhound Joshie... racing name "Prince Josh". He was a top sprint dog and raced for rather sometime (vet thinks too long :x), and did very well. We adopted him once he retired and sadly we lost him to cancer :cry: :cry: I miss him so much... :-?


This is Madison our old girl.... won't be with us much longer :( This is her as a skinny old lady... 8) She has been the most loyal dog ever...


And soon to come our new addition, going to name her when we actually have her... English Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Pictured 3 weeks.



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This is Jess. I got her from Dogwatch a little over a year ago. Not long after I got her, when she was still nameless, she took off after a cat and without thinking I yelled 'Jess come' and she obeyed immediately so it's stuck. Apparently Jess is the most common name for female dogs.



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i got no pics just got a new computer yesterday after Noel Leeming took 9weeks to fix mine then the courier borke it so after 6weeks of waiting for the courier to fix it now Noel just gave me another but I don't have my hard drive :evil: so no pics unfortunately. But my mini foxy jack russell is called puppy because i couldnt think of anything and didn't like any suggestions. My little mini pinscher I posted in the last dog/puppy thread has sice been hit by a car so gone but his name was Killer named because he so wasnt and then our pitty is called beastie cause she was just that as a puppy!

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Meet Arfie, the over-sized fox terrier who never grew up. He got his name when dad told us (as kids) about the samoan family who he flatted next door to who had a dog called Arfie (because dogs go arf arf). He's about 11 now, but still as mad as ever. Chases his tail, will try to fetch anything you throw him (including bricks and big logs, he's hopeless when you're trying to throw and stack firewood!) and goes berserk when ever the three cats get grumpy with each other and always rushes in to break up the fight. He belongs to my sister, but lives at our parents in whangarei where he's got a bit more room to run.

Sitting on his chair, chewing up a stick (favourite past time other than eating)


Playing with Little the cat...


Playing fetch


Yes I threw it and yes he dragged it back to me...


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Introducing "The Barnacle" :D

Barnie is our 11 year old Foxy/JackX

and this is what he thinks of aquariums ...


And this is Really what he would like to do to my real seahorses!

Who, me???! ....................... Grrrr!!............................. Crunch!!


He likes to dig...




and hunt possums!!

LOL, ya asked for pics!!!yep that is one spoiled dawg. :wink: I will abstain from posting the hunting pics, for the sensitive ones.

* does anyone know the Code to hide/censor/blackout pics & wording, so only people that wish to look may do so? something about "spoilers" but I forget how!*

PS, :bounce: I think we've met Arfie! LOL, I recognise some pets before theri owners!

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Hi there, I know most of you already know our boy but our puppy is a 10 months old Beagle.

He is generally very well behaved but as soon as his nose switches on his ears turn off, something to do with being male and not being able to multi task I think :D

Despite that he is very spoiled, coming mountain biking with us in Rotorua, Coming on all our holidays and running around like a loony on the farm.

His name is Flynn- I have no idea where it came from, we just heard it tried it out and it stuck!

This was when he was 6 weeks old...


He was much cuter then!

His favourite past time is lying in front of the fire until he gets so hot that he has to move away as a panting mess.


Look at those big ears... so why can't he hear us????


Sorry all, I'm a proud mum!!!

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PS- djsurfs I LOVE the last picture of Barnie, with him running on the beach :D

:D awe shucks.. and Thank You! ( and thank goodness for digital!)

I did not comment on anyone's in particular cuz I am enjoying them ALL! There are some fab shots and great names & something special about each one (must be cuz their owners luv em so! 8) )

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Beautiful doggies...love the pics! :bounce: :bounce: I agree with you dsurfs, enjoyed them all...can't believe your doggy stayed and let you bury him... :lol: :lol:

For those who have lost their beloved pet, I know how you feel *heart hurts*. Thirty years since I had to put my precious Tippy down and I still miss him!


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These are Tuf on the left and Cain laying down. Tuf was chosen because hubby wanted a tuff name, but he doesnt live up to it. :lol: typical. Cain was chosen because of the band Danzig... has a cool song 'twist of cain', he's an ozzy. Unfortunatley he died 2 weeks after our daughter was born. Very sad moment for me. We also have a working dog (beardie) called blue, from blues clues. He's an absolute shyte around here chewing things and digging, but great working stock, goes on loan to farmers when they need to rest their dogs etc.



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  • 1 month later...

Aww Scotty is a lil cutie!


This is our dog, Bob. Original owner named him Spongebob.. but can you imagine calling out to him??

He's about 6-7 years old and going grey a little bit under his chin. We're not 100% sure exactly what he is, previous owner told us hes black lab cross with something. He seems to have not got the fat genes from the lab side of things cos he is as skinny as!

Favourite things: Running around, playing with soccer balls/sticks and food

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This is Oscar the Std schnauzer, (or sh_thead for short). Hes 12, looks and acts like he's 6 months old. We love him dearly but.........


and this is Kiri, she already had this name when we rescued her. She is Kelpie/staffie cross, 9 years old, and is so loyal, obedient and caring that we wonder why we ever bought a pedigree!! Oh, and thats Sammy, my youngest daughter.


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Hi there, I know most of you already know our boy but our puppy is a 10 months old Beagle.

He is generally very well behaved but as soon as his nose switches on his ears turn off, something to do with being male and not being able to multi task I think :D

Despite that he is very spoiled, coming mountain biking with us in Rotorua, Coming on all our holidays and running around like a loony on the farm.

His name is Flynn- I have no idea where it came from, we just heard it tried it out and it stuck!

This was when he was 6 weeks old...


He was much cuter then!

His favourite past time is lying in front of the fire until he gets so hot that he has to move away as a panting mess.


Look at those big ears... so why can't he hear us????


Sorry all, I'm a proud mum!!!

Great pics, we have a Beagle crossed with a Foxy. Called him Rocky (after Joe Rokocoko my fav All Black).

Just turned 1 last week.

Hes the same with lying in front of the fire till he starts panting and we have to drag him away!

Will posts pics when i get home.

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My dogs called Milo coz she's chocolate coloured with gold highlights. I'm not up to posting pics yet, in the WAY too hard to figure out basket......can get one on email if someone was able to post for me? She's a curly coat retriever crossed with a Lab...and very pretty...tho of course I'm not biased or anything... :D

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Here is DonnaM's lovely dog Milo.... :)


LOL, I just realised, i got so carried away posting pics of my dog I forgot to say WHY he has his name... The Barnacle. I brought him home when we were still living on our boat and hubby was not too pleased & a barnacle is something you don't really want growing on your boat! Haha, it took all of 5 minutes for him to soften up and cave in to my puppy though :bounce: who is now 11!

A baby Barnacle:


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