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How to wire a thermostat to light bulb?

Insect Direct

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Looks like the only 2 spare wires goto the bulb, the thermostat should switch off the power to the bulb.

I think that thermostat used those 2 wires to switch a relay I am unsure how they would work but the stuff in that box looks pretty low power to me so would assume you need a relay.. It would be pretty easy to test if you had a multimeter?

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Since you don't know what you are doing you should get this done by a qualified person. Dodgy wiring and living people don't mix well.

A lot of overseas forums now lock and remove threads like this so they can't be held liable by people injuring themselves after following advise.

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or bring it to me, I'll have it done in 5 minutes.

Two top tips for you:

- don't plug it in and touch the wire or have hand near bulb at same time, as cool as it looks on TV, its not very healthy

- make sure the wires don't touch

And when you put it together make sure the insulation goes all the way in, if in your finished connection you can see copper sticking out then its not safe at all. If you just touch the phase when it's on you'll get the whack of your life.

Make sure its a good connection too, none of this 'meh its half on' shinnigins because you could lead yourself to a fire over time.

I'd expect (judging by the output wire size) that thermostat would be good for around 5A (or 1100W), but if you can find out the actual rating that'll help. Even if it's only 1A, a 100W bulb would be fine.

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on the back it says 5 amp max, im only going to connect to a 40/60watt bulb so it should be sweet as!

Im abit casual but Im confident enough to wire it up, diy kiwi styles :lol: , ive only ever had 1 decent shock and i only remeber waking up so wasnt all tht bad lmao

If you dont hear from me again it must be a good buzz, thanks for all the advice :hail:

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There must be a reason sparkies need to be registered. Get it wrong and that electrickery could kill you. How is the home insurance provider with self wired gadgets? just a thought from someone too chicken to try this sort of thing hisself.

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You guys scare me :o

There is a very good reason electricians train for 4 years before they get their ticket.

There are very strict guidelines on what a home owner can and cant do, just because it "works" doesnt mean it is safe.


If anyone is thinking about messing with electricity PLEASE! ring me first for free advice.

Owen Lingard

Project Engineer

Hennessy Electrical Engineering

07 849 2355

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