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I have just returned from a weekend away and my female betta looked like this...


Does anyone have any ideas?

She is happy and swimming around as usual????

Any ideas will be appreciated?

She is the only betta in the tank and before we left she looked a little egg bound but now the area is very red and her "front fins" (sorry I don't know the correct term) are inside her?


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:o:o:o I don't know what egg bound is (I'm thinking it means she's full of eggs and can't get rid of them??). I hope you manage to fix her as she looks like a nice fish. I'd just leave her and see what happens if she seems happy.
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thanks yea she is really pretty and I have another, very similar to her. I did have a beautiful crowntail that I had planned to breed but he sadly died so the breeding has been put on hold for a while. I also dont have the right set up for them at the moment but I would really like to get into it at some stage, I hope she is ok? She looks awful, She has been full of eggs before but never this bad and to have her fins disappear????

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If the sides are fat and no scales are sicking out.I would not worry,shes ful of eggs.Mine looks like shes about to blow up.Are you going to breed with her?.She is pretty.

Hmm. That is exactly what one of my female bettas looked like after I stupidly added a juvenile male who despite blowing bubble nests at his last home was useless for my girlies.

She ended up getting terrible infections and it seriously looked like she'd "exploded" with a huge gash in her belly and fungus all over it. :cry: I treated with tonic, she died overnight.

BUT she was well shredded by Romeo so hopefully you get a better outcome!

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If your worried you could ask the mods to move this to the anabantoids section.But my females have been like that for a few months now.Healthy as,like yours.My only concern is when i get a male for her,will he be able to wrap around her.

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I'm not really convinced it's dropsy but I'm by no means an expert. Her scales are normal and she is swimming normally. All other fish in the tank are happy and normal, haven't tested the water yet so won't write that off until I know for sure. Thanks for all your help so far!

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I don't think it is dropsy, possibly she is egg bound but unfortunately she is unlikely to survive if she's that big. Looks more to me like a huge swelling of some sort containing fluid. I would isolate her if you haven't already because if she explodes theres going to be one awful mess. You could try adding some salt to her water to see if that will release the pressure.

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My dads female had a very similar thing. We dont think it was dropsy as her scales werent sticking out etc. But she was fine for weeks just thought she was egg bound but then unfortunatly she got more and mroe lethargic and bloated and passed away. Then I hate to say it but all the fighters in his tank got the same thing with this bulge he tried everything HFF told him to but couldn't save any and all of his other fish are perfectly fine.

:-? Goodluck with it, shes very pretty.

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Sadly I think you are all right, she is getting lazy and not eating, its not looking good for her. She is the only fighter in the tank so hopefully it wont affect the other fish. what a bummer, she was a really nice fish and very friendly!

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Dad just said he did speak to the HFF guy after his fighter died and he said that it could be due to the decrease in water temp at night as we have a very warm house during day with lots of windows and then at night its super cold and this was dropping tank temp up and down by sometimes 4Degrees at night and aparently fighters arent very good with any regular temp change, now dad has made this insulating box thing to go over at night so there are no temp changes at all.

:S not sure if that was it but it could explain it and why none of the other fish got sick if fighters are weak in this area. :-?

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ummm.... I have isolated her and she is still going but she looks aweful, I am starting to get concerned about how much pain she is in. She is eating again and swimming as normally as she can will a belly that size!

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