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How much is my tank worth??


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Hey folks,

I'm thinking about selling my beloved tank :( I've spent an obscene amount of time and money on the damn thing but am finding i just don't have the time to truly appreciate my scaly creatures anymore.

If you have the time, i'd appreciate anyones opinion on how much i should ask for it...

Here's what i have...

180L tank (approx :oops: ) with light hood and stand

Fluval 204 filter with spare connections and pipes

2 big air-pump with hosing and bendy bubble wall (30cm)

100w heater

Seachem PH alert

Glass thermometer

HEAPS of standard val

Couple of twisted val

5 or so indian ferns

3 giant amazon swords

2 giant healthy java ferns well n' truly stuck to a mighty hunk of driftwood about 45cm long

Java moss growing to upper part of wood

Some lillypad kind of plant

A grassy flax like plant about 20cm tall, recently got mowed haha

About 10 small dwarf sagi

2 leopard danio's

3 full grown male guppies, all rather fetching gentlemen

10 or so baby guppes about 1cm long

1 bristlenose about 6cm long

1 whiptail catfish about 7cm long

4 black phantoms

4 silvertips

12 or so neons

4 harlequins

The occasional pesky snail -.-

Hood is in OK condition, has ducktape stuck to it to stop it falling in when the cats jump up onto it -.-

Glass is a little scratched but not horribly noticable

Filter works like a charm, as does the heater and pump...

The stand is about 1m tall and has tinted glass pop-open doors and is in pretty good nic...

Any suggestions would be sweet!

Thank you :D


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a good start would be to work out how much you paid for it all

then allow for 2nd hand and light scratching on glass

wholesale may be half of retail

so go from there

just my opinion for what it is worth

i have never recouped the money i have outlaid on my fishies

but i have the pleasure of keeping them to factor in

P.S. something is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it :D

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a good start would be to work out how much you paid for it all

then allow for 2nd hand and light scratching on glass

wholesale may be half of retail

so go from there

just my opinion for what it is worth

i have never recouped the money i have outlaid on my fishies

but i have the pleasure of keeping them to factor in

Hmmm.... I kind of agree with this formula, but I kind of don't. For most second-hand goods I would agree that you would get about half what you paid when it was new, but in the case of an established tank like this people are also paying for the skill and care that went into it.

In my opinion, this tank is worth more than the sum of its parts. An established planted tank that looks as attractive as this has an extra value simply because of its appeal. A potential buyer can imagine it in their room looking really gorgeous without having to put the effort into planning and acquiring all the bits & pieces (I know that is the fun bit for us, but many people just want instant results).

I agree you can't expect to get back all the money you've spent on it, but you're likely to get a premium on it, much more than if you sold off all the components individually.

P.S. something is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it :D

Now I totally agree with this bit!

Put it up for auction and see what someone is prepared to pay. Take lots of photos and emphasise that this is an established, proven tropical tank with everything you need to keep it looking lovely.

Good luck.

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GREAT TANK! really impressive i reckon the val really makes it ay.. haven't seen it around for ages thought it was banned.

I agree you can't expect to get back all the money you've spent on it, but you're likely to get a premium on it, much more than if you sold off all the components individually.

I dunno if this is true.... I know what you mean about it looking awesome but if you sold filter, heater, tank, fish seperately i think you'd get more overall.. ppl usually want a cheap package.

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I dunno if this is true.... I know what you mean about it looking awesome but if you sold filter, heater, tank, fish seperately i think you'd get more overall.. ppl usually want a cheap package.

I agree with Luke. Chances are you'll get more for it in bits. It won't be a well established planted tank by the time you've pulled it to bits and moved it!!

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I'd sell plants and fish off individually (as people that buy the tank may want to have different fish and all that) and then sell the tank, hood, heater, filter and all that together.

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Romanticism might work on people that haven't planned or considered moving the tank but once it's moved it'll be start all over again time.

The other poster is right tho a well planted tank LOOKS impressive and creates interest. Whether this translates into genuine bidders can only be guaged when the auction is run.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =163913644"

Would be an example of a tank you would be unlikely to recoup your costs on by selling the unit and community complete.

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Haha funny stuff.

Well if i asked an amount that i thought was fair for the amount of time, care, money and attention i've given it then it would be worth more than my soul :evil: But i'm not really sure. I was lucky enough to get the tank itself for rather cheap and the rest i got brand spankin...

In regards to selling it to someone who just wants it there to look pretty and "oooh and ahhhh" over it, then no thanks. I love my fish and i love the way i've watched it grow, so i am most definately not going to sell it to someone who doesn't have a good level of fishkeeping knowledge.

Like the type that keep goldfish bowls... Ick

I have 4 tanks at the moment and being 21 i'm finding the time to care for them slipping out of reach.

Thanks everyone, you're awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got told by the fulla at wet pets in Palmy that he's not meant to sell it as its banned. Its just the plan ol' fat thick leaved long leaved green stuff haha... Oh well not like it's gonna jump out of my tank and infest the rivers!!


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