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Archocentrus Sajica


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Cool pics of the sajicas! It looks like I've got three boys and two girls, they're growing like mad and always hungry, I'll probably separate them soon as I don't want them breeding until they're bigger.

What does the BG in BGJD stand for??

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BGJD is Blue Green Jack Dempsey.

Father is Blue dempsey and mother is regular.

They will all look regular but hold blue gene so when one of these is crossed back with a blue dempsey -50% of those fry will be blue dempseys. you cant get blue dempseys with blue X blue

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Neat pics 8) The Sajica are wicked... We have about 60 of the young here growing on nicely and the parents want to go again :D

And have about 15 older Sajica juvies out in shed, they are an awesome little fish to keep.

Glad to hear the young ones are doing well DavidR :)

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Glad to hear the young ones are doing well DavidR :)

One of them was a real runt and wasn't getting much food with the other 5 being so aggressive at feeding time. I put it in my sisters planted tank with a few female fighters and I havent seen it since! :(

The other 5 are doing well, I'm not even going to try to photograph them as every time I go near the tank they start swimming against the glass begging for food. They're worse than oscars!!!

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Aww heck, always the way.. :( We have in the past had to seperate some out due to pecking order.. it is getting to the stage now with the fry alot larger now, we are going to thin them out into sizes, some are very aggressive feeders....

I know what you mean about being greedy, the pair are always up the front looking like it is feed time.

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I have the male and three females the size of the photos then 4 smaller guys(2f,2m) that were getting a bit bullied, so I put the dempsey fry in there which has helped-safety in numbers theory I guess.

I never kept cons -am I right in guessing their behaviour will be similar

at spawning in terms of territoy and aggression?

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Sajica are as aggressive in their own way, they can be fair little terrors towards a particular fish of their own kind that is being singled out, and will go as far as killing the fish if it is that much of a problem.

I had a tank full of females once in a holding tank and they decided to pick each other off... before we intervened.

The pair we have are excellent with one another, real little trojans with raising their fry, but we had a pair together that bred before this current pair, they were good parents too, but not overly the best with each other at times... Safety in numbers is an excellent idea I reckon.

Just a trial and error thing, but yes they can certainly go out of their way to make life in a tank difficult for their own kind even if the spawning area is down the other end of the tank.. they can travel to give the fish a good crack :o :lol: We like the idea of keeping a pair per tank when they are ready to spawn just to be on the safe side.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it turns out they weren't far away at all.

The pair picked a corner of the tank that was blocked of to the rest by a nice flat sided rock. The female went a real purple black in spawning, with blue chin and finn edging and male just intesified his colours. Both very diligent and attentive parents- the rest of the sajicas and the dempseys are keeping thneir distance and no concerning aggression -as yet .


2nd shot of wrigglers.


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Awesome! It looks like I've got two females and three males, so when you grow the fry out a bit I'd be interested in getting a couple of females off you so I can breed them and keep the gene pool a bit more varied. Could either swap for my females, or just buy a group of juvi's off you.

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Yeah I realise that, but at least if I get females from Firenzenz the pair won't be from the same parents.

How old were they when I got them off you Afrikan? They've grown like mad since I've had them, I'll try take some photos tonight. I've seperated the three boys and put them in my 3' 200L with the heckelii's and balzani's I'm growing out.

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I will check the date on when that batch was bred DavidR, hubby has it on his comp :D

Yeah that's what we have done, kept some from first batch from our 1st pair (same young that yours come from), got some young off Fishbait (thanks Fishbait :hail: ) from his pair... and now I have this recent spawn that are still with parents and growing on nicely (parents being another seperate pair)... Once they get a real huge appetite they grow so fast... the youngest lot here have got the real hungry hippo stage and growing rapidly.

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:bounce: :bounce: Such nice fish!!

Wish we could et them down here

EXACTLY - Why dont we get nice fish down here ? Actually, thats not fair, as I know that Organism gets some great stuff in, but it seems the stores up north are far more diverse.

Sajica's are south American ??? Ive never heard of em before but they are lovely.

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Yea they are south american, You wouldnt see fish that nice in Africa! 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You obviously haven't seen many examples of African species then Dixon... I suggest you remove your blinkers :lol:

Yes the Sajica are fantastic fish... we certainly would never part with the species... have some young that will be available at some stage soonish 8)

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You're right Afrikan they are cool fish to watch, lovely little fish.

Would Rainbows handle their aggression? would quite like that combo in a planted tank

No worries David - I have some females , I can give you two, from different spawns but all related as Afrikan says. PM me.

These guys breed like their Convict cousins, so will probably be CHCH soon.

I would love to see the honduran red points and the gold convicts around as well

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They would go in excellent with Rainbowfish... wouldn't say the dwarf species of rainbow tho, the good thing about the Rainbows is the fact they are quick too 8) I love them, and reckon a planted tank with Sajica and Rainbows will look great.

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