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exotic reptile species:

blue-tongued skink

Tiliqua scincoides & T. nigrolutea

wild bearded dragon

Amphibolurus barbatus syn. Pogona barbata

wild eastern water dragon

Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii

wild iguana

Iguana iguana

wild red-eared sliderturtle

Trachemys scripta elegans

wild shingleback lizard

Trachydosaurus rugosus syn. Tiliqua rugosa

So can we no longer keep these species? What does it mean by wild?

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exotic reptile species:

blue-tongued skink

Tiliqua scincoides & T. nigrolutea

wild bearded dragon

Amphibolurus barbatus syn. Pogona barbata

wild eastern water dragon

Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii

wild iguana

Iguana iguana

wild red-eared sliderturtle

Trachemys scripta elegans

wild shingleback lizard

Trachydosaurus rugosus syn. Tiliqua rugosa

So can we no longer keep these species? What does it mean by wild?

dude, you need to chill, and seriously think about what you post- and/or get all the background info...

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