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Burnt plug


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Oh my goodness that's a scary photo! :o

*runs and checks all plugs*

Just a reminder to anyone who doesn't already know, electricity and water don't mix! So always make sure you have a 'drip loop' in the cord if the plug is lower than the tank water.

Most aquarium heaters come with a diagram of a drip loop in the instructions. The short description is: leave a loop of cord hanging below the power point, so if any water runs down the cord it will drip off, instead of running into the power point.

I know this wasn't the problem in the original post, but just thought it would be a good time to remind people of electrical safety issues.

My partner just about has kittens every time he sees me playing with live electricity around my fish tank! :lol:

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Those with individual switches are great.

There is nothing wrong with the cheap multi outlet boxes if you plug the stuff in and leave it plugged in. It is when you are plugging and unplugging that problems occur.

We have a number of heavy duty 8 way boards 8)

This particular one has a 6 way and two 4 way boxes added to it :roll:

All low power I might add - it is also dangerous to overload your multi boards!


PS. You should have seen it before Grant tidied the cables :lol:

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