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Hi all. Thought I ought to introduce myself to those I haven't met. My name is Bud and I am 2 and a half, but very mature for my age 8)

I enjoy teasing the neighbour's cat and playing with my carers.

I really enjoyed meeting many of you at conference. here I am with a few of my new friends...

I got to ride over to Nelson with wilson.


and met zev


and Kevin


I go to meet lots of others too as they came to visit me (they wouldn't let me in the restaurant) but we didn't get photos.

I enjoyed the social evening on Friday night but blushed at the parrot joke John Eastwood told everybody! :oops:

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I don't do my own water changes. My carers do it for me.

I also don't rearrange my cage.

I don't have my own fish but am wondering about keeping a few parrot fish :lol:

When my carer lifts the lid on her tank I like to perch on the edge and drink out of it but I fell in once so am extra careful as I got stuck between the water and the glass sheet and it was frightening :cry:

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Hi Bud

your avatar looks like a famous painting - The blue boy

sounds like you have many good friends

you obviously like that famous budgerigar saying

Fish of a scale, should school together

do you have a Bebo site as well, my sons red rump has one under the name crackers

nice fish also to consider keeping are perch, senegals, cockatoos and eagle rays

though the last may be a bit demanding

well keep your pecker up, enjoy the forums and may all your problems be non feline ones

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Hi & welcome :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

May I ask why you do not have your own fish, couldn't you just ask for a bigger cage to keep at least one little tank in. I mean it is only fair!

Sorry to hear about your, ah, impromtu swim. Shame that your care givers DID NOT get a photo, tisk tisk on them.

Take care & have fun,


PS I'm guessin your little wings won't carry you over here for a visit????

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Livingart I never thought of a bebo site. Not sure I have the time :-?

Please don't mention keeping my pecker up. It was that very topic that caused my embarrassment at the parrot joke! :oops:

Cheesejawa, I do not have fish of my own as I would find the maintenance a bit difficult. I can only lift so much and buckets are beyong my capability. I am happy to admire others' fish.

Dixon 1990, yes I really did fall into the 250 tank! It has a glass lid in 3 sections. The front section broke so there is an 8cm gap running the full length of the tank. Caryl had the wooden lid up so she could feed the fish and I was helping. I can fling bottom feeder pellets a good distance! 8) . I lost my footing and fell in. While attempting to get out I flapped under the glass sheet and Caryl couldn't get her hand in the gap and under me. Luckily I turned around and managed to make it back under the open space so she could get her hand underneath. I was one very frightened and soggy budgie :cry:

Caper I wuold love to visit but our quarantine regulations wouldn't let me back into NZ without long term isolation and I wouldn't like that :o

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Caper I wuold love to visit but our quarantine regulations wouldn't let me back into NZ without long term isolation and I wouldn't like that

you could join the birds that migrate to nz each year, i think they don't get checked by biosecurity

when they arrive, no ERMA paperwork either

watch those starlings though they are a rowdy bunch, they think they are better than other birds with their shiny coats

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