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Finally.. Blue ram x long fin gold ram spawn..


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the parents are in a BB tank helps keep it clean...

I removed the egg's within a few hours of spawning, they are in a baking bowl (one of my fish ones) sitting on top of one of my 3 tier stands (heated fishroom) with an airstone, so far only one has gone white they should be hatching tomorrow..

What did you do to yours? Did you leave them with the parents?

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I left them with daddy and didnt put any blue in and he stopped looking after them and I werent sure why but on a closer look had all gone white.

I also had the light on which might not of helped.

she just about ready to try again.

I think this time I might take the parents out tho he was doing a good job.

Do you use a full doze of the meth blue? I just noticed when i put some in once before the next day the tank was clear again but i didnt do a full doze.

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Yeah he's a beauty, I got him off trademe as a gold ram (from Auckland) he is the sole survivor out of the 2 pairs of golds and 2 pairs of blues I got from them.. He just had long fin's the other male did a little and one of the females did as well.

Thanks Afrikan heres hoping I can raise them :) Still alive today...

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Yeah just checked them hatched they have all left the slate they were layed on and sitting around on the bottom still large egg sacks.. For this lot I am going on the whole leave them alone principle as the last lots I wanted to hatch soo much I screwed with them and probably killed them, will be looking at getting them into a tank soon and then deciding what/when to feed them..

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I am thinking either a 1ft cube or stick them in a 2 and a half foot as it will be more stable and harder to fowl if I overfeed.. I am a bit worried about how to aclimitize them into new water without shocking and killing them as they are only in a bowlful of blue water at the moment... I hate putting meth blue anywhere near a tank as it just stains everything..

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I would go smaller tank at first ryan, less area for them to have to find their nosh... and meth blue would be ok in a bare bottom tank wouldn't it? We used to use it in tanks with just heater, sponge filter and bare bottom, less things the better huh :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lost them all :( Same stage as I always do.. They hatch then a few days later all dead who knows what happens have tried all sorts to get them to live.. The male spawned with the other female the other day but layed on the bottom of the tank so I left the lights on but they were gone overnight..

I didn't get panduro's but got some very nice cockatoo's that are cruising around their tank with a wee batch of babies at the moment :)

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i have tried everything with some animals birds etc, given up on them

then been surprised when they have done it on their own

tank of their own may be best bet, if you can do it before you go, might get a surprise when you get back

but then it is another tank for someone to look after

good luck

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Awww that does suck to hear. I wonder what the key issue is... I lost mine like that. They hatched, hung around on the bottom, then just as they were starting to swim and I put some java moss in there for them, they all disappeared into the moss, never to be seen again :roll:

Cool that you have cockatoo fry! Are they in their own tank or are they good enough to be parents in a community tank? Unlike rams haha

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Yeah it sucks oh well will keep trying :)

The cockatoo's spawned in a community tank once I noticed the wrigglers I removed all the other fish I was trying to grow them up a bit before putting them in their own tank to breed but guess they decided they were big enough :) If you want to come out and have a look your welcome too, ill try and get some pic's the cockatoo's are wicked..

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They are wicked :) The pair here are greedy and the female is colouring nicely, so she should pop at any stage, keep us posted with pics ryan :D

And hey when you come back from overseas you might back to some Blue Ram surprises, who knows :D :lol:

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