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Setting up a fry tank


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Hi guys,

I am hoping to set up a fry tank, I have just got a AR126 (22 litres i believe) that I want to use.

I have some guppy fry already in my community tank and the mamma guppies are in a family way again, and I also think my female balloon molly is due to drop any day looking at the size of her.

My questions are: Do I need to cycle this tank before adding any fry or will they be so small as to not make a huge difference? I can use some of the ceramic noodles from my community tank so cycling shouldn't take too long I guess but I would like to save the first fry from my molly

What should I use as a substrate? I have read of people using a bare bottom tank for fry but am not sure whether this is better or not.

I am sure I will have 50 other questions lol

Thanks in advance for any help


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Use some of the water from the existing tank - the more the better and if you can use some media as well it would be even better. The fry won't have much effect on the bio-load themselves but be careful not to overfeed them because if you do the uneaten waste will. Be careful if you are using anything other than a sponge filter that the fry don't get sucked in.

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Thanks for your reply adodge :D

I have the standard filter that comes with those tanks which is a hang on the back, wet dry kinda thing (sorry I don't know the correct name) So I will put a stocking or something over the intake pipe.

Am I better to have a bare bottomed tank so I can easily get rid of waste or some small gravel and plants?

Sorry for the 20 questions, but I really want to get this right :oops:

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use a bear bottom tank as it makes a quick syphon each day really easy

Float the very small fry in a plastic container as it makes it easier not to syphon the small ones up untill they are big enough to be easily seen

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Thanks for the help.

The tank is now set up, I have filled it completely with water from my community tank and put a few ceramic noodles from the existing tank in there too. Will just let it run for a few days and do a water test as I have to wait until I can get a heater any way, bugger no pet shops being open today lol

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Hi Sam,

I picked the heater up last night, so all is going to plan now, just waiting for it to warm up nicely and should be good to put a mummy fish in there. Looks like the guppy will be first up, The balloon mollies are getting fat but don't look ready to explode yet lol

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Well, Mama guppy was first in lol

I put her in last night and within 2 hours she had presented about 20 fry :D :D

I am still unsure about the balloon mollies, hard to tell how far along they are , since they always look fat lol

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