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Hi all,

I was wondering if any native fish and invertebrate keepers could inform me about the Native Freshwater Shrimp (Paratya curvirostris).

I know there have been many threads about the Native Shrimp but none could tell me how big they get, what foods they are being fed and what coldwater (not necessarily native) fish they could live with with out the shrimps being snacked on.

Are there any good spots around West Auckland I could visit and get some of from?

Please not to far out of West Auckland because im only 14 and would take some persuasion to get my mum to drive me all around Auckland in search of some:lol:

A couple of nights ago, I went to a creek on my property with my spotlight to try and see what life I have in my creek and found only an eel with its head stuck in a bunch of weeds :)

I have a small tank that I could put them in if I convert from tropical to coldwater ( It used to house a Koura (before the tank was turned tropical)until he passed away :( )...

Its a 6 gallon so how many could live happily in there?

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The places I've found them are:

Titirangi Beach, the stream just before the bridge to the kids playground.

Mill Bay (Cornwallis), the streams just before the bridge.

All you need is a net and to jump into the streams where the grass hangs into the water. Sweep the net just under the overhanging grass and you should get some.

Mine just eat the left over flake, blood worms or tubifex worms that I feed other fish.

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Hi there,

The native crab is very cool. I have six :)

I started a thread about mine here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/native ... 29120.html

(the search function is very handy, and not disabled despite the claim)

They are tiny and see-through, but they are pretty obvious in the net. When I visited Auckland I was amazed at how prevalent they were, not so many down here. Sorry I don't know any sites though...

Size: to around 3cm, maybe 3.5 or 4 for a rally big one.

The big ones are females, the little ones are males, they actually change gender as they get bigger!

What coldwater fish won't eat them: ......fry? Really small fish? Seem to be tasty wee critters. Though the bigger problem is crushing them with in-tank maintenance!

Purplecatfish is right: Search in vegetation. The main trick with catching native aquatic anything (fish, crays etc) is to place your net downstream and disturb something immediately upstream. Ruffle vegetation, lift stones etc. This time of your try two nets, or one net and a poke-y stick, so cold with your hand in the water!

Most of the time you won't see a three quarters of what is in a stream before it is in your net, they are all good hiders.

Are you asking how many shrimp alone in a six gallon tank? Not sure how many litres that is (sorry) but they are pretty small critters, should be able to have HEAPS!

They live off algae, detritus, leftovers, misc.... you get the idea ;) Just take some stones from the stream, don't clean them and put them in your tank, they will provide food and encourage more algae to grow. They eat pretty small amounts of anything, so actively feeding them may lead to overfeeding, but Purplecatfish has some good suggestions if you need to actively feed them.

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I have 20 odd shrimps with 8 goldfish, paradise fish, leopard danios and white clouds.

Also can be kept with hill stream loaches and plecos without any issues.

My goldfish are quite large and don't bother the shrimps at all, they are fast movers and escape the fish. Though they are never bothered by them.

Awesome to have they are often out during the day too :)

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(the search function is very handy, and not disabled despite the claim)

The built-in Forum Search is disabled, And the one there now is just a Google search of FNzas.

The builtin ones are much better and can find anything, but for some reason it has been disabled.

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