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I.D. on these fish please


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Yep id go with red shoulder also.. Used to be called A. hansbaenschi but has been reclassified as a locational varient of stuartgranti see the list here. There are plenty called red shoulder

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/c ... .php?cat=3

Are they all the same type? And did you get them from a good source etc? They all look good 2 males seem to have coloured up well and females all appear the same shape well as much as you can tell from the pics anyway :)

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LOL Are these bred by "the lurker" you talked about who doesn't want to join? Looks like he breeds good fish and should join and introduce himself (hopefully he lurks on here).

I see where the confusion with the chilumba's came in. I haven't heard red shoulders being called chilumba's however if you look through the list then you will see that stuartgranti has a varient called chilumba so maybe it caused some confusion?

Or they could have been brought in as red shoulder chilumba 8-10 maybe even more years ago and have had a few renames since then I wasn't keeping africans back then and have no idea, lol chances are in another 8-10 years it will be called something else but the fish wont have changed.

Bottom line is if they've been kept seperate and this line has been bred true for 8 years its all good and to me they look pure and what I would call a red shoulder im sure others will offer advice.

Nice looking fish I hope you breed them and spread them around advertise them on here when you do I wouldn't mind some :)

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Lovely looking fish livingart 8)

The hansbaenchi we kept a while ago were very high bodies and compact fish... the peacocks pictured above are alot more longer and streamlined than my hansbaenchi. I would have described my lot as "cobby" bodied.

But gee it's so hard with pics aye :roll: :lol:

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going by photos is hard but on the site mentioned they are close to

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Metangula)

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Ntekete)

in amongst the variants there is slight difference in individuals

so who knows, all i know as these have been in a closed gene pool for a few years

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