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I notice that one of my fish is loosing its colour and a couple of days ago it was swimming tail up. It seems now to be swimming on its side more. I did try and catch it to issolate it but man could it move!!

I have read through the forums and can't find anything to describe this.

I went to the lfs and enquired what it could be. Was told to try tonic salt rather than anything else as it could be a swim bladder problem. All the other fish in the tank are fine. This morning she is still alive but don't expect her to be there this afternoon. :cry:

I do regular water changes etc. The tank is well planted. Good lighting.

Any ideas please?

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We'd need to know what sort of fish this is and preferably a pic, but in all probability it is just a case of natural attrition. Fish don't live forever, and some just give up the ghost despite being in good conditions. I wouldn't bother with the tonic salt if it is the only sick fish in the tank.

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No it doesn't. Swims round in the tank. At first it was head down and finding it hard to get to the correct swimming position. Now seems to flop on its side and has trouble getting upright. No longer a beautiful orange colour. The colour seems to have all drained away.More of a grey colour now

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She is still with us. Will see if I can get a pic of her to post. Not sure what to do. Just let nature take its course? Was watching her now and yes she does seem to be going round in circles now around the back of the tank

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Well she is no longer with us and decided that she needed to *see the inner workings of the filter* and died.

Yes i do feed mine peas about once a week along with blood worms,Flake food, and tubifix worms. So they do have a varied diet.

Could be just one of those things that happen.

Did a 50% water change today.

No others in the tank are sick so all good

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