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Happy Mothers Day...


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HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. :bounce: :bounce:

I am extremely grateful for this Mothers Day..... I almost lost my Mum 3 times last year....careless eh? But seriously.....I'm lucky to still have her.

IMO every day is Mothers Day :lol: :hail:

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I didn't realise it was Mothers Day until my son texted me saying "Happy Mothers Day - check your email!" :roll:

I had a lovely day. We slept in (after a late night tour of Monteith's Brewery in Greymouth then BBQ tea at the Railway Hotel (all you can eat sausages, bread and salads for $5 :wink: )

We got up and our motel hosts cooked us all breakfast of sausages, hash browns, bacon, eggs, toast and whitebait.

We then headed up the west coast stopping at a model village then lunch at Punakaiki followed by a few bush walks to walk off the food! We then had dinner at Beechwoods in Murchison before arriving home. All in all a great weekend, not just day. Gorgeous top down weather to be touring with the MX5 car club 8)

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