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Why are there no Albino Dwarfs?


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IS there any special reason that there aren't many(if any) Albino Dwarf Cichlids(apart from Kribs)?

They Mass breed and distribute albinoe angels,oscars,discus,,and some others so why doesnt it happen to fish such as Apistos,Rams, Nannacara etc?

Or does it and we just dont see it here.I cant see any pics on the net of any.


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  • 9 months later...
Personally I wouldn't be asking why we don't get albino "Apistos,Rams, Nannacara" I would be asking why we hardly even get ANY descent apisto's/nanncara in NZ..

Very good point :-).

Dixon1990 is right, I cant find any pictures of albino microgeo's or apisto's. Would be interesting to see one.

Why would only the Germans make them? is there some type of chemical they add to water to force albino offsping or just lucky?

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most that make the shipments seem to die off cause of varying reasons (either too thin, or too weak....). the few that make it into the country get snapped up by collectors and / or hoarders. that leaves none to go around.when i get these fish i send them to a friend in auckland who tries to breed them. he too sends fish here and there for other people to breed. I'm hoping it makes a difference, but for the past 3 odd years - No real luck :cry:


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Wow thats an awesome thing to do Phoenix.

Do you know someone locally who imports fish Phoenix?

What species have you been sending upto Auckland? How are you getting access to them when your friend in Auckland cannot up there? Would love to get in touch with him and see what he has.. Apisto's aren't that hard to breed really so if he is having no luck maybe you sending them to the wrong places?

If you do find anything interesting there are at least 3 of us locally that have a few tanks and are keen on dwarf cichlids and are looking for descent fish to breed and spread around, so feel free to PM myself or Bilbo. Our belief is that fish keepers should always be able to source healthy quality dwarf cichlids and it is frustrating as anything that we just cannot find the fish.

These fish need to get into the right hands and be bred in numbers so they get spread the length and breath of NZ so that there are soo many of them we are not just relying on 1 or 2 people to breed them and they are likely to be around for everyone to enjoy.

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all these questions :o

/I haven't found any interesting apistos.....yet...

I dont know some one who imports.. apart from the wholesalers.. but i do know people who are talented at spotting imported fish for what they really are :bounce:

good eg is how the shovelnoses make their way in as pictus's. but ofcourse i know nothing about them :D

I had 3 really nice africans i sent away - no idea what they are ..some sort of peacock i think.. all sent away with the hope to breed.

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all these questions :o

/I haven't found any interesting apistos.....yet...

I dont know some one who imports.. apart from the wholesalers.. but i do know people who are talented at spotting imported fish for what they really are :bounce:

good eg is how the shovelnoses make their way in as pictus's. but ofcourse i know nothing about them :D

I had 3 really nice africans i sent away - no idea what they are ..some sort of peacock i think.. all sent away with the hope to breed.

lol I am confused you said you had been sending fish (in a dwarf cichlid thread) upto Auckland for the last 3 years and then you haven't found any? lol

Generally nice africans that people don't know what they are esp peacocks are not worth bothering with. There might be some gems out there but most of them are snapped up by the people in the know at the wholesale level.

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sorry didnt mean apistos.. if i had them id breed them my self :lol: i only got the fake borelliis yonks ago that i didnt know were fakes ha ha. then when they appeared in the shops i was all excited and then someone on here pointed out that they were steel blues and popped my bubble :lol:

i was hunting for plecos and stuff but exporting restrictions and what have you... :(

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