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ideal beginners fish?

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im not a beginer but after others opinions on the best beginner setup and fish that could have.

my neighbour has a single goldfish in a crummy little animates plastic tank and im working on convincing her to upgrade.

im thinking i may reccomend a 2ft tank for tropical freshwater as a place to start as she is also a poor student,

as to fish that wont die on her? ive got millions of gupps she could have, anything else easy and interesting?

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I helped my next door neighbor start his tank up and he's got a few platys a BN and some corys and he hasn't lost any yet (in fact he's gained some from the fry they've had). Another fish I've found hardy are Black Widows and Khulie loaches.

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Kuhli loaches! They are great, especially in groups of 3+ and they eat left overs, turn over gravel and eat baby snails. I couldn't think of a better starter fish...

Other than my seemingly-invincible pleco. :lol:

Or what about:

Neons/other tetra

Siamese fighting fish!

Non-annual killifish (Australe Gold in particular, mine don't seem to notice the heavy current in my tank + they're pretty 8) )


I can't think of anything else right now, but I HTH.

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Neons are sometimes a little fragile but cheap.

I suggest 4 Black Phantoms for the top/middle of the tank, 2 Keyhole cichlids for the lower and middle, a bristlenose for cleaning and 4 cories.

All relatively tolerant of a wide range of conditions, not overly expensive and best of all, all are south american fish. Stick an Amazon Sword and some hairgrass and driftwood in there and you'll even have almost a biotype tank! Bargain!

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Kribs are vicious at breeding time and will take on anything they think is prettier than them.

They're not hard to breed but the adults really need to be taken out when the fry are free swimming or they may snack (thats whats happened to my last two spawns so I still only have 2 kribs).

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Oh well I suppose the only other fish that I can think that would breed in the tank is livebearers. I think that you should put a small school of neons, a couple of corys, a BN a nice male siamese fighter and some guppies which would make it a colourful and active tank on all levels.

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Another active and colourful livebearer would be the Swordtail. Very easy to breed, buy a couple or three females and a male, just add water and they start breeding. In a swordtail's world everything falls into three categories:-

1 - Breed with it

2 - Eat it

3 - Try 1. Try 2. If neither works, ignore it.

Peaceful, active, colourful, easy to feed, very hardy and breed like buggery. They are also too big and fast to be damaged or eaten easily by other community tank inhabitants if you have a slight incompatibility issue, which all of us have from time to time.

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Or theres platys which look very nice and are always out. they also breed very easy and come in deffirent colours (my favourite are sunset and blue).

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