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cleaning cichlids tank


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I just set up a four footer as a cichlid tank and had the same problem as you are trying to figure out. I search the site and found plans for under gravel/sand jets. They work a treat, everything gets suspended so the filter can suck it up. It doesn't completely solve the problem of getting the gunk out from the rocks but it helps.

I also purchased some clown loaches and they pick up the left overs if there is any.

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Yeah sorry should have been more specific. UGJ (under gravel jets) are jets that just poke above the surface of the gravel or sand and keep things stired up. They are all plumbed togerther then a pump is added. Here is a good article about them.


I have put three jets in my tank but should have put four and got a bigger pump, but it should be ok.

As for the rocks i have just stacked them up, we don't get many quaks down south here so it should be ok. They are sitting on about 5cm of sand so fingers crossed. You can always get some egg crate, the stuff that is used in office buildings on fluro lights. i used shicst as i can get as much as i want up central.

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I have 14 african tanks setup 4 of them have full white sand substate I hardly ever suck the crap off the bottom and don't worry about the rocks etc.. Don't stress it wont affect the fish at all and it is avoidable, yes you can see it but it is easy to syphon out, if your worried about sucking up sand then suck it via a bucket and chuck the sand back in after your done.. Africans don't tend to leave too much uneaten food all my tanks have bristlenoses anyway so they take care of it I have never had any problems.

Not a good idea to stack rocks on top of the substate in african tanks at all the fish will dig under it always move the gravel out of the way and stick the rocks directly on the bottom of the tank so if they do dig under the foundation for your rockwork doesn't give up.

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Yeah Africans aren't that messy in terms of feeding and the amount of waste they produce. Sand is great for skimming off the top.

If by Cichlids you're talking some of the central and Sth Americans then they can produce alot more waste.

I have a long hose connected to my laundry tub for re-filling tanks and tend to poke hose into crevices and flush out, and vac what I can. But with adequate water changes and plenty of filtration you shouldn't really run into any major problems

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