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dwarf orange gouramis has babies


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:oops: well....

you kill half their siblings by your flatmate turning the heater off and dont feed them for a week cos you think they are all dead. when you look back in the tank cos you're thinking about trying again, they are enormous :lol:

I dunno how they survived the cold but there was lots of little creatures that i could only just see (<1mm) that they were feeding on when i found them again. I put them in with the guppies to breed the parents again and they are growing fine (although not as fast as they were in a 150L tank by themselves) they spend all day picking at the ground for decap brineshrimp the guppies and discus missed

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Make sure the gouramis dont Corss breed!

You can cross the blue,neons,colbults,but not the honeys.They live in my comunity tank so no chance of breeding,till i put them in the breeding tank.The honeys are in with the guppys.I need more tanks :lol:

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You can cross the blue,neons,colbults,but not the honeys.They live in my comunity tank so no chance of breeding,till i put them in the breeding tank.The honeys are in with the guppys.I need more tanks :lol:

I knew you can only cross blue,neon,cobolt(lalia) and cant cross honey(chuna)

Which is what i meant lol

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  • 6 months later...

Hi everyone, hope you all had great xmas and hope you all have good new year.

Was just reading in this topic that you shouldn't cross honey gourami with others. Is this a colour preference thing?

I have a dwarf powder blue male whose partner died (don't know why) and a female dwarf honey whose partner also died and they have paired up. The fry are tiny and free swimming.

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Yeah we bought a pair of cobalt dwarfs from our LFS. They were sold as a pair, behaved as a couple and my son in law, who used to own a petshop (fish being his thing) confirmed they were too, she was not grey as others are describing. Unfortunately we lost ours, seems they are coming in with ulcers and slowly die off :(

Olly - We wld happily travel to Palmy if and when you have some to spare ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I lost mine - they got the ulcer thing you mentioned and died one by one, including the fry

I think they might have given something to my guppies too, cos they started dying after the gourami did

I like cichlids better anyway, oscars are awesome :D

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