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Scheeli are kept by a total of 5 members and there are only 8 males and 16 females plus fry around so I doupt that they have ever been seen on TM

As so few people have/breed them, Im breeding now myself to make sure they dont dissapare

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Yes Caryl, all Fundulopanchax were once called Aphyosemions.

Scheeli have been here for years and years, I once had a 3' planted tank with 30 adult pairs.

They were lost in the North island, but I had sent some to the Dunner's a few years ago and received late last year some stock back from there and sent some eggs to a few key NZKA breeders.

I've also sold them on T/M before, but not lately

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I agree with them not being new but the figures I mentioned were the figures that the members of the NZKA submitted...

Are you a member? and if so, I take it that you have just bred these in the last month or two?

I have also bred quite a few over the last couple of months.

If your not a member could you do me a favour and PM me (or email) me a list of what you have as you may (hopefully) have a few specie that we have not


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Barrie all the Scheeli we have have come from southern man, so if you want some cichlid7 it would be cheaper for you and better for the club if you got them from Otago.

I have been on to southern man to rejoin and I think he has just done it, if not he will - WONT HE :wink: :lol:

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Hope he does rejoin as apart from everything else, it shows whos got what and there is less chance of the specie dissapparing

Im intending on contacting several past members and see if they have any fish or even peat thats a couple of years old

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