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J Price


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Does anyone have this man, James, in their club? He has registered for conference but we don't know who he is or where he lives :-?

It is possible he is a recent member and his club has yet to capitate him.

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Might not be a silly idea zev. This is the first time (I think) people have been able to send their forms in via email and direct credit the payments. Never had a name we don't recognise before though :-?

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Hey mystery solved! :lol:

It looks like we have the money but not the forms but I am checking that.

I received a letter from the FNZAS today - it was posted Easter Sunday!! NZ Post says it seems they may have misplaced a bag :roll:

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The affiliation should go well. Unfortunately, it appears a bag of mail was lost between Napier and New Plymouth (Napier no longer sorts mail, it goes to NP) and the letters have only just started turning up!

I received a letter today (about your affiliation) dated 21 March. It was posted on the 23rd March and the envelope was date stamped 23 April!! :o

That won't be anything to do with your reg form though. makes you wonder if they misplaced more than 1 bag of mail in the country doesn't it? :roll:

Most important - we got your money :lol:

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