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Well I'm stumped!


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i have an aqua one 300F-LV Mini Internal Filter, only 3 months old. Just noticed today that it has stopped working, pulled it apart, cleaned everything out but still not responding.. anyone kno wat could be wrong? Or is it a repair job? Stupid me has lost the receipt, which i thought was with the box...

Anywayz, if nothing can be done, can anyone recommend a good, reliable filter for my baby tank (25 litres) thats not going to cost the earth. Or is it better to get it fixed?

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I haven't had much luck with those either, just check that theres not a small stone in the way of the impellor. Baby tank (as in small tank), what about an elite shark filter, I quite like them and not too expensive ™ or if baby tank (fry) just use a sponge filter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an Elite Mini, threw it out last night.

Was fantastic when it was new, but over a couple of months it slowed down more and more and more (even with no media in it), then last night it rattled itself to death.

I'd go with either air powered undergravel, small HOB (you can get a tiny Jebo hang-on for $11 on trademe new!!), or another small internal just to replace what you have already. I've been tempted to try those Stingray filters for small tanks, but never actually bought one.

Sponge filters work great for fry tanks provided they flow enough and you don't overfeed. My two fry tanks are sponge filter powered.

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