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NZ native frogs


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We live up in the bush and one day we came home and found a little brown frog sitting on our front door so we just left and it and in the morning it was gone. Don't have any idea what species it was.

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I don`t really think its "kinda dumb" as someone put it.They are harder to keep alive and healthy than you or I might think,if every Tom ,dick and harry goes out and starts looking or them,let alone catching them???Habitat destruction,breeding population decimation etc etc.They are not endangered for nothing.Someone maybe lucky enough to breed some but I suspect alot more harm than good would happen.

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it would be great if one day Nz native frogs are available on a permitted system like the geckos and skinks, while they are endangered like they are I don't see it happening for a loooonnnggg time!!

we are lucky we can keep the Australian frogs that are here, the green and golden and whistling are beautiful frogs, who knows maybe someone might find an albino whistling tree frog one day.

I agree with Repto imagine if it were made public where the Albino green and goldens frogs were, there would be a big rush to find them and the area would be trashed, same thing for natives if they were available.

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