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4foot tank


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I am going to setup a 4foot tank as soon as my 2ft tall 3foot tank sells on TM. Bt i think its time to start planning the fish that will eventually be in the 4 foot.

Its going to be a SOuth American tank. SO mainly paceful catfish tetras and a few cichlids.

I was thinking my BN Pair, Assorted Corys(how many).

6each of Emperor Tetra and Penguin Tetra and about 12-15 Cardinals.

4-6Bolivian Rams And 3 pterophyllum Leopoldi Angles.

Of course these fish wont be added all at once.The dimensiond of this tank will be around(in CM) 122long 45High 55 Deep.

With a fluval 404.

Also how many watts in heaters would i need?

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I have 2spare 300W and 1 200W Aquaone submersible.

So Il probably use 1 200W and 1 300W then..

And the lighting will be 2x3ft t8 and a 2 4ft t8 which is around 124W is that enough for A planted tank? It will also have some undergravel ferts,Flourish excel and eventually co2.

So what about the stocking level?

Is it too manyfish?

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personally I'd recommend dropping either the penguin tetras or the emperor tetras and getting more cardinals. I have a shoal of cardinals in a 4 footer and I used to have about 8-10 penguin's as well. I found that as they occupied the same layer the cardinals would be pretty shy around the larger more active penguins...

Rams go so well with cardinals - really complimentary colours!

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If you are going to keep different species, I'd suggest 7 each of 2 different species to start.

Ohk, i will get some more sterbai and Albino first then.

personally I'd recommend dropping either the penguin tetras or the emperor tetras and getting more cardinals. I have a shoal of cardinals in a 4 footer and I used to have about 8-10 penguin's as well. I found that as they occupied the same layer the cardinals would be pretty shy around the larger more active penguins...

Rams go so well with cardinals - really complimentary colours!

A mate of mine is currently looking after the penguins,i might just let him keep them or put them in the 3foot tank upstairs with the angels and black widows.

I already have 6 Cardinals, I might try breed them and only raise about 20 fry to make it easier.and to get healthier fish.

And do you mean Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams?

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the angels will kill the rams, they are not a tough cichlid. They might work in smaller numbers with plenty of hiding places

I would ditch the rams and get more than 3 angels so if 2 decide to breed you will not be left with 1 loner.

you could always go for kribs or apistogrammas insted of the rams.

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the angels will kill the rams, they are not a tough cichlid. They might work in smaller numbers with plenty of hiding places

I would ditch the rams and get more than 3 angels so if 2 decide to breed you will not be left with 1 loner.

you could always go for kribs or apistogrammas insted of the rams.

No they wont, The angels are the leopoldi,which are supposed to stay slightly smaller and are more peaceful.and even the normal scalare angel wouldnt kil the rams. My rams are bolivian rams not blue Rams the bolivians get to about 7cm(thats a big one though).ANd i will eventually get more leopoldi if possible. ANd as for the last suggestion,i have already said this is a South American Tank so the Kribensis IS definately a nono. And as for apistos i think they would be more likly to be killed by the angels.

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No they wont, The angels are the leopoldi,which are supposed to stay slightly smaller and are more peaceful.and even the normal scalare angel wouldnt kil the rams. My rams are bolivian rams not blue Rams the bolivians get to about 7cm(thats a big one though).ANd i will eventually get more leopoldi if possible. ANd as for the last suggestion,i have already said this is a South American Tank so the Kribensis IS definately a nono. And as for apistos i think they would be more likly to be killed by the angels.

I am in no ways an expert on the subject but from what I have seen and heard any species of rams are not sutable to be kept with altum or scarlae angels unless the rams have hiding places the angels cant get to.

I know close to nothing about leopoldi angels, Can you tell where you got this information saying that they are smaller and more peaceful?

I have no idea why you would think apistogramas would be likely to be killed by angels, they are usally quite big and bigger than rams and slighty more agressive. most species are far to big to be bothered by angels.

I would also suggest getting a school of about 8 cories in there as bottom dwelers.

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Yes i need a dwarf. I already have the Bolivian Rams, And there is no reason not to have them is there? And no particular biotype right now, But the water will have tannins in it from Wood and leaf litter and the plants will be Stargrass,Bacopa, Hairgrass, Braz Micro Swrd, Dwarf Sag And other various Sword Plants. Oh and some sort of red plant.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What i was going to do with this tank

I was thinking my BN Pair, Assorted Corys(how many).

6each of Emperor Tetra and Penguin Tetra and about 12-15 Cardinals.

4-6Bolivian Rams And 3 pterophyllum Leopoldi Angles.

Of course these fish wont be added all at once.The dimensiond of this tank will be around(in CM) 122long 45High 55 Deep.

I have decided i will put my BNs from all tanks into my other 3foot upstairs.

So in this tank i will have:

Around 12-20 Cardinals

4 bolivian Rams and another pair of a Dwarfs (nannocara,apisto,ramirezi-depending on what i can find)

I will have about 6 of 3 or 4 species of Cory,Proabably Sterbai,Panda,Albino and bronze.

And Maybe a group of small GBA.

There will also be a group of 5 Albino Scalare Angelfish till they get to about 5cm.

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