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"what do fish really think about their environment?&quo


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Yes. No question.

I also work very hard trying to keep them as best I can, and get very upset if things go wrong.

I am writing a book on keeping native fish as there is very little out there about how to do it. The ethics have been a major part and the book is full of how to do it legally and ethically (eg juveniles only etc). The concept of the book itself has been an ethical internal debate: presumably it will encourage others to take fish from the wild. Not a particularly desirable thing. However people are doing it anyway, but without a decent reference on how to look after them properly. This means every single native fish keeper is doing it by trial and error. (You tropical people are lucky!) Recently I lost three of my five mudfish becasue the information was not available (or known??) that malchite and formalin kills them (probably). Once the book is published others who read the book will not have to go through what my fish and I just went through.

It remains a minefield and I still debate with myself (and others!). One of the big reasons in favour of encouraging people to keep natives is that for so long they have been out of sight and out of mind so people are simply not aware that we have all these fish in gradual decline due to habitat destruction. Make them more immediate and the wider picture comes into people's conciousness.

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I don't think the fish give a S**T as long as there is food and clean water.

Natural Enviroment = Mekong, Amazon River.... give me a break!

Most of the fish you guys keep are captive bred in tanks, so can anyone tell me what their natural enviroment are?


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